CCI 500's instock at Midway

No, it’s Midway. Cabela’s hasn’t raised their primer prices, got a brick of CCI SRP for $39 which was their usual price.
Keep in mind that scalpers are using computerized bots to constantly monitor Midway, etc. As soon as Midway, et al, posts primers for sale, these vultures' computers buy all the vendor allows.

But the vultures have multiple accounts with different credit cards to buy all Midway and co allow.

Even if I happen to stumble onto Midway's offerings as it's posted, I can't type as fast as the vultures' computer can place its orders. I type maybe 50 words a minute? The computer is communicating at 186,000 miles a second. Clearly no contest.

They were doing that at Powder Valley but PV got wise and cancelled the sales. Now PV has a captcha feature for orders. Good on PV as I am buying from them when possible, and they'll be my go-to vendor when this mess subsides, if it subsides.

...and they're gone!
They've actually been showing up with some regularity and then vanish fast. FoghornLeghorn is right about the bots. They peaked in 2016 at over 50% of all web traffic, counting both good and bad bots. Today it's down some and bad bots are variously estimated at 20-25% of web traffic.

I expect if you learn about the dark web you could find bots for sale and get your primers that way. Probably the best way to disrupt the whole unethical process of people taking everything for resale before the end-users can get them would be precisely that. Home shopping bots that, like an auction bid, you set price limits on and turn loose on the web. Enough of them would level the playing field and take the advantage away from the real gougers.

But the Captcha thing works in the meanwhile and perhaps we ought to have a suggestion campaign aimed at Midway and Midsouth to add that to order taking. I intend to suggest it to them.
things seem to be lasting longer and longer now, those primers were up for over 30 min. A few months ago they would not have been up 30 seconds. My local stores are small receiving shipments of powder and primers every 3 - 4 weeks where they went 6 months with no shipments at all. Just my opinion but things are looking up.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe CCI is doing the gouging to Midway? Or maybe it's not gouging at all?

I'm looking at Midway's primers. They're all out of stock but they have their prices. Remington small pistol primers: $74.99 per 1000.

Midsouth Shooter's Supply: Remington small pistol primers: $45.11 per 1000.

I can't imagine Midsouth getting that much better a deal than Midway.
I'm looking at Midway's primers. They're all out of stock but they have their prices. Remington small pistol primers: $74.99 per 1000.

Midsouth Shooter's Supply: Remington small pistol primers: $45.11 per 1000.

I can't imagine Midsouth getting that much better a deal than Midway.
Maybe the last price from the last time they got a bulk shipment from the maker. Since Remington has been in hiatus they probably haven't received an updated price for a while.
I just got a Midway order in for 1000 CCI large pistol primers (1000 is max order). To my door it's $105. Like hitting the daily lotto.
I just got a Midway order in for 1000 CCI large pistol primers (1000 is max order). To my door it's $105. Like hitting the daily lotto.

Uh, if you say so. For the life of me I don't understand why guys who have been on this and other gun sites for 15 years and more, and have been thru several of the 4 year cycles of ammo related shortages, were not prepared for this and sitting on everything they need. So many grasshoppers, so few ants.

I'm gonna do my best to wait this thing out. May fish more, shoot even less than I'm shooting now. I'm not gonna pay 100.00 per thousand, not right now anyway. new loaders should just sit it out ?
look...if its in your budget buy what you can find.....sometimes good things do come to an end.

Paying $.10 per primers is still a lot better than paying gunbroker prices of $200+ per brick. I'd rather pay $.10 a primer than buy loaded ammo for $1.00+ per round. new loaders should just sit it out ?

Said nothing about new loaders. If they've been on this site for 15 or more years (check out their Join Date), then they've been thru shortages before and should have stocked up, be it ammo or reloading components.

If they've been on this site for 15 or more years (check out their Join Date), then they've been thru shortages before and should have stocked up, be it ammo or reloading components.
Could be that some folks stocked up on money so they can now afford ammo or reloading components. It just depends on how much one has to invest and what they choose to invest in. ;)