CC Permit question


New member
I have not carried a weapon 'on the street' since I was in the US Army but I am now considering it. Since Jan 2010 I have either been hospitalized or going back & forth to Cleveland Clinic for leukemia treatments. At present I am staying in the Cleveland area as I recover from 2nd stem cell transplant.

Last week I learned that my nurse coordinator was carjacked a few months ago mid-afternoon at a Rite Aid drustore parking lot in Shaker Heights. Cleveland Clinic is surrounded by areas of 'urban and industrial decay' - much more dangerous than the suburb of Shaker Heights. My wife is my caregiver and drives me to/from the clinic.

I am not an invalid (yet) but I do appear 'feeble' to others and I believe my wife and I (both 60 yrs old) may appear to be easy targets - because we are. I cannot walk more than 200 ft. without stopping to rest.

I have considered getting a permit for self-defense because I am no longer in the condition to put-up much of a fight. I am well-enough to handle a weapon and the 'decision' to use one would not be difficult for me.

Does this make sense? Do others carry for this reason? Is this a stupid idea?
It makes sense.

Yes, I think it's fairly common to carry due to feeling that it's an effective means of protection when other means aren't expected to be as effective or simply aren't practical or possible.

It's not a stupid idea.

Be sure to carry something that you can shoot effectively AND something that you can carry without undue discomfort and inconvenience. Develop a carry method that works with your limitations. If you choose to use a belt holster (as opposed to a fanny pack or pocket holster) choose a good quality holster made specifically for the model of gun you choose and made specifically to fit the size belt you plan to wear.

Train with it enough that you feel confident in your ability to access it quickly and make consistent first round hits at typical self-defense ranges.
It makes sense to me and is exactly why I got permitted. My wife had a stem cell autologous transplant in January and both the hospital and the Hope Lodge (cancer center where I stayed for a month) were in very bad areas. She was in the hospital for nearly 4 weeks and I stayed until about 10:00 every night. So my gas and grocery stops were very uncomfortable. I was a Marine (active for 6 years) but am now in my mid 60s and look like an easy mark. I feel much more secure with some protection aboard.

I wish you the best with your transplant. I know it is not a picnic. Tough times on this end but we are doing our best to beat it. You do the same!
Thanks John. I was thinking of a Bersa 380. (The only other handguns I own are a Ruger MkII target pistol and a CZ52).

I belong to a local range where they teach CCW. Good advice on the holster, accessories, etc.
Anything that can even the odds is a good idea in my book. I just skimmed through Ohio concealed carry laws and didn't see anything that prohibits carrying in a hospital or clinic. Though you aren't allowed to carry in "institutions for the care of mentally ill persons." Not sure how exactly to interpret that, or if the Cleveland Clinic provides some services that may place it under that definition.

I'm no big city lawyer so you should do your own research before you start carrying.
Eagle Eye

Thanks for your post. We rented a small house in Bratenahl last year. Nice little community but requires driving through very rough areas to/from C Clinic.

I suppose if a Marine thinks he needs to carry then the Army does for sure - hee hee.

Best of luck to you and spouse, also.
IMO, EVERY citizen should carry, and the more law abiding citizens that do, the better.

It makes no sense to me whatsoever that the ONLY element within a culture that carries arms are either A.) Criminals or B.) LEO's. This encourages crime IMO, because criminals believe they have nothing to fear from citizens as they have no arms, and LEO's are easily identifiable and avoidable.

Get a permit, and carry every day, everywhere you can legally do so.
Sorry to hear of your condition but best of luck with the treatments.

I had a severe spinal cord injury six years ago. After several major surgeries and numerous other procedures, I can at least get out of the house every once in awhile. I always carried but now I say I carry to even the odds. With the fusions in my spine and other hardware implanted in my body, I don't have the dexterity nor the great physical conditioning I used to have. One good punch to my head could leave me paralyzed again and I am not about to let that happen.

Be careful not to get yourself into those situations where the use of deadly force becomes necessary. With that being said, we all know that trouble will find us easy enough. Practice your shooting as often as you can so if that day ever comes, you are comfortable and confident enough to protect yourself and your wife.
I'm 48 years old,6-1,and about 235.Nothing wrong physically,i work out at the gym 5 days a week,and i never leave the house without my S&W 4553.It doesn't matter if you're old or young,fit or not,in this day and age it just makes sense to carry.Other than in the Army I've had to draw my weapon twice,once in a rural and once in an urban environment.So you don't really know when you're going to need it.Take the class and get your CCW.
If the hospital is government owned, then Ohio law prohibits carrying. If the hospital is privately owned, then it would have to be posted.
My advice would be to get a CCW permit and carry a .380 auto with appropriately charged ammo that are made to be man stoppers. Some ammo is too hot for a 380. Check that out. I'd have the gun in my hand in my pocket every time I'm in a parking lot. I already do that with a Kahr PM9 at the Orange Park mall, in OP, Florida, a known site for such incidents. JMHO
It makes sense to me, but as long as your state allows you to carry, you shouldnt feel like you need to have a justified reason to carry. I hope you get better hooah!
A few months back, in a holster making class, I had the privilege of presenting a handmade holster to a wheelchair bound fellow many years your junior.

He had made up his mind not to be a victim, . . . and I applaud his decision.

Your decision should also be made by you, . . . but at the same time, . . . it is you and you alone who is responsible for your safety, . . . especially in places like Cleveland, . . . :barf:

May God bless,
Protection & legal issues...

For legal & use of force issues, I'd speak to your local LE agency or a OH based atty. Online resources that may help include; . Atty David Wong has a legal guide to US gun & knife laws too.
In short, due to your medical condition(strength, fitness level, health, medications, etc) you may or may not be able to carry or safely operate a handgun. If you have the hand strength & dexterity to properly shoot a small firearm, I'd buy a simple small frame .38spl +P, a .380acp or maybe a 9x19mm or .357sig caliber pistol.
A S&W model 638, a Bodyguard .38spl, a 642 may also work.
A Lasermax or CT lasergrip would be a useful add-on to aid you with marksmanship or training. It's widely known that around 80-85% of armed citizen use of force events take place at night or in low light.
Laser aimers or night sights are more than gizmos or fads in 2011.
Its a very wise idea to carry a concealed weapon when traveling or walking through or conducting your business in a dangerous area where you can or most likely will be a target! I would choose a compact type pistol. Glocks are nice even though they get a bad rep due to some of their plastic parts but thats actually good though because less weight! Compact is the way to go imo.
I like the way you think !!!

Does this make sense? Do others carry for this reason? Is this a stupid idea?
It makes perfect sense to me, for all the reasons you mentioned and then some. The police are very good at cleaning up messes, after the fact and it's up to you to do the rest. Keep in mind that you have the God given right of self protection. ..... ;)

Be Safe !!!
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Yes, check with a local gun range about the laws. Get some training in the use and care of the gun and practice with it on regular basis. There are several new bullets out there for the .380 that work very well. Also I wish you the best in your recovery.
I am 53 years old and am legally blind and have stage IV kidney failure, Looking for a kidney. I have decided that it's time to carry also because I don't have the physical fight in me any more either. My state law does not have any restrictions on physical capabilities and I've talked to several cc instructors. They all say the same thing. The cc laws were designed for people like you and your physical limitations.
I ride the disability bus and we all look look like easy marks. LOL
I take my class this month and then apply at the Sheriffs.

Good luck with your health and your desire to protect yourself, as nobody will do a better job quicker then you can.

Take Care,
I'm not going to play internet tough guy here. Suffice it to say I'm not small & do not present myself as a 'mark'. That often doesn't matter to people bent on doing wrong. The manufacture, transportation, distribution, and use of meth is a very real & serious problem here in the midwest due to the large rural areas & easy access to anhydrous ammonia. The nature of my work dictates that I spend much of my time in off-beaten-path areas, often alone. My days of negotiating with my fists are far behind me and I wasn't ever much good at it anyway. Because of all this, I have no shame & no hesitance in carrying a firearm. When I'm out on my own, I open carry my G23 or G36 in a fobus. Hang it right out there for all to see and if they have a problem with it, too bad. I am licensed to carry concealed and open carry is legal in KS so I'm good either way. I say find a firearm you are comfortable with. Practice enough to become competent with it. Then hope you never need to use it.