CC Gun choice for a newbie CC carrier

CC weapon choice

  • Glock G30S

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Glock G19

    Votes: 22 81.5%
  • Glock G43

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • Sig P320 Compact

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • Sig P938

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
I know I have some real concerns about what is going on with the uptick in violence going on in cities all over. So here I am, reviewing my options for CC.

I am being treated for cancer and have the bald head and the requirement to wear a cover garment and head cover because of the effects of some of the drugs. I wear a long sleeve Dickies chambray shirt over a tee shirt when outdoors that is two sizes oversize so the Neulasta injector can fit on my arm and work and not get knocked off. It seems the shirt would work perfect for the job.

I have several guns to consider and would like to get the membership's input.

All these guns have proven to be reliable except the G43 as I do not have one yet.

I do not have holsters but for the Kydex IWB and OWB right hand holster sized for the G30. I can get the same holster sized for the G19.

The G30S really does feel comfortable in a right hand cross draw at about 11 o'clock as does the P938. I like Sigs a lot but the P938 would have to be carried cocked and locked and even though the P320 Compact is larger is a striker fired gun as are the Glocks. Maybe some of you will take a little time and offer some advice. I would certainly appreciate. Although not a gun in the poll, I do have a PPK that is reliable and shoots ammo of different manufacturers and bullet weight with out fail. The gun seems a little bulky but I cannot fault the gun for the way it works.

Thank you in adavance.

My choices are as follows:

Glock G30s
Glock G19
Glock G43 Do not presently own this gun.
Sig P938
Sig P320 Compact
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My best wishes and prayers for a successful treatment and recovery.

My first choice among those pistols listed would be the G19. You have ample opportunity for concealment, and therefore have no reason to sacrifice capacity for concealment. 9 mm is a perfectly valid round for self defense.

Hair is over-rated.;)

I feel a little that way too. I need a holster for that gun as the one for the G30 is a little big. From what I have tried, the Glocks just feel better. But the P320 IS pretty sweet.

One more two day round of chemo in three weeks and I should be cancer free. The bad nausea will start tomorrow so I need get with the program today. The nausea really makes me old and slow and I don't want to invite extra attention. The long oversize cover garments are probably permanent and in Phoenix that can be an issue.
Glock 19 with consideration of Glock 26, especially if Glock 43 is in the running.

I. "Modern" 9mm +p+ factory defense loadings offer as much anything as any new shooter can hope to handle with a lot of more reasonable loadings available. There are factory 9mm rounds I wouldn't carry b/c of the recoil. No intent to engage an engine block or a fridge compressor with my CCW. There is a reason agencies are moving back to the 9mm.
II. 9mm Glock is the standard. Who doesn't know how to operate one? Anyone who has any experience at all will be able to help you with any problems you encounter. Mags are cheap and everywhere. Not just standard mags, but higher capacity 33 rounds are available for less than many guns standard mags. Think you don't need a 33 round mag? A 33 round reload tucked into your belt can be quite comforting even if you only have 10 or 12 in a G26. Almost any commercial holster design is available for 9mm Glocks. The logistics of it are superb.
III. You won't ever need help with it because it is incredibly simple and there are drop-in parts available everywhere.
IV. If you decide you hate it you aren't going to lose much money. Used Glocks seem to hold their value extremely well. I am trying to buy one now, but the price difference v. new is so small I can't force myself to do it. THe only remotely good deals I can find are ones including lots of heavily discounted accessories.

My best carry set-up is a G27 converted to 9mm with a lonewolf barrel and a standard 10 round mag in the gun and a longer mag on my persons somewhere. I am not sure, but I think the +2 mag extensions make the grip as long or longer than the G19. Some say it is shorter, but the mag is angled and the longest point of the +2 appears to be equal to the G19in all the pictures I have seen.
I am going to ditch the conversion and go with a straight 9mm Glock. I am leaning toward the G26, but seriously considering the G19 since the +2 extension I sometimes use on the mag in the pistol is getting me to the same length.
I took a female shooting recently with very small hands. She was smart enough to realize a single stack would be the best fit for her hand. We rented a number of single stack 9mms. The Glock 43 was incredible IMO. A real surprise for me. Felt the best by far for me. Have never fired a sub compact single stack that compared to how comfortable it was to shoot. Of course that is personal and heavily reflects its fit in my hand. If there were extended mags available for it...
I'm so sorry to hear about the cancer. I lost my uncle this year to it and my aunt has kicked it's ass twice. My uncle refused treatment though. So I'm glad you're doing some method of treatment. Kick it's ass G-man!

As for CCW. I went with Glock 19.

The second would be the 30S with the third being the P320C. None of the pocket guns would cut it for me, and shouldn't for you either. But if you feel it does I won't stop you.

The spike in crime is insane. Stay safe. Carry that 19, 30S, or 320C. ;)

EDIT: My aunt carried her Glock 21 Gen 2 in her purse the entire time and had it on her nightstand every night.

My uncle had his P226 on his every night until the end as well.
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Although I voted for the G19 I agree the P320 looks promising.

I also agree that you might want to consider the G26 which is a great little gun. I looked long and hard for small carry guns before deciding on the G26. For me it carries like a small gun, but shoots like large gun. It can also accommodate magazines of 10, 15, 17 and even 33 rounds.

Most importantly stay strong.
I have the 19 and 30s also so those would be my picks for you too. Can't beat a glock for me. With the 19 and 30s u pretty much have all bases covered for handgun duties
I also agree that you might want to consider the G26 which is a great little gun. I looked long and hard for small carry guns before deciding on the G26. For me it carries like a small gun, but shoots like large gun. It can also accommodate magazines of 10, 15, 17 and even 33 rounds.

I just this summer made the move to a G26 (from a G19). Im really liking it as a pure CCW type pistol. It completely disappears under a T-shirt or Polo. It shoots VERY well, in fact im shooting it better then my 19:eek: something about where the backstrap hump sits in my hand

The G19 will continue to be my "do it all" gun. But for a pure CCW pistol, look hard at the 26
But the P320 IS pretty sweet.

It looks pretty good, I agree. I haven't shot or even handled one so I wasn't going to recommend it. If you have got your mitts one one and liked it, it appears that the dimensions put the compact generally in the same category of the G19, so it should serve you well.
But to get back on topic, I recommend the Glock 19 or the SIG P320 Compact. Both of those guns are the best compromise between capacity, shootability, and size in my opinion. And as long as neither of those guns are bigger than your concealment options allow, I say carry whichever of those two you shoot best.
Thanks for all the help to date. I have purchased a Blackhawk Paddle holster for the G19 and am holding on to the Kydex for the G30S. The Blackhawk offers the greatest comfort at the 4 o'clock position without having to decide about which belt loop to skip with the other adapter for the rig. I will most likely try out other rigs. With the grips slightly forward, the setup feels right.

I am still going to look at something for the P320 Compact. That is a NICE gun with a sweet trigger and it, like the Glock just does not misbehave and that is welcome. I told the owners of the gun store ( both retired LEO ) about the G30S in a right handed cross draw position at 10 o'clock. They cautioned me not to do that with the Blackhawk as it would be very difficult to reach the retention lever with my right hand. I will go over next week and let them check out my rig. My Sig Spartan should be delivered Tuesday. If I am feeling ok, Tuesday does hold great promise. . . .
I have all of these except for the 43, don't like it al all. I would go with the 320 compact. Better ergos imo, much better trigger, comes with night sights, and you have a great modularity option to add a subcompact, or another size. I would always error on the side of more capacity and 9mm first. The g19 would be my second choice of these.
Enough of the squabbling over crime statistics. Geetarman wants some suggestions on a CC gun, regardless of whether those statistics are right or wrong.

geetarman, sorry to hear about your cancer. Now go kick its ass!

As for the poll, I went with the G19. Big enough to shoot well, small enough to conceal. I don't mind the size of the G30, but I've decided that I really like a full-sized grip more than these designs that use part of the mag as the grip. They're wiggly & I don't like it.

I have the rig made up for the G19 and it feels "right." I am going to try that for a while. I still like both the G30S and the P320 C. I really like the trigger on the P320. I need to practice more with the G19. I get that little callous with the G19 that goes away if I fail to practice. When it develops, it causes a disturbance in my trigger pull that goes away ( or I ignore it ) when it gets to the point you don't feel it. It is a lot like failing to practice guitar. Until you really back into it, your fingers hurt and you can't play very long. . .
geetarman, on a note partially unrelated to guns, I'll say this: You're going through cancer treatments & already own most of the guns on your list, stick with one of them. I like the G19, but the guns on your list are all perfectly serviceable and chemo ain't cheap.

Again, good luck with your treatments.

Take a long hard look a a G26, small, compact, easy to conceal. Add a Xgrip and a G19 mag and it's the best of both worlds.
Did that for my wife (eight year cancer survivor) and it fits her hand perfectly, especially with the Xgrip. I like it that way too. I actually can pocket carry the G26 (DeSantis) with the 10 round mag and use the G19 mag as the spare.

Hang in there, it's a tough road, but worth it, I have living proof.


Can't vote, the choices are way to limited and doesn't even include a "none of the above".

I'm sure geetarman appreciates your heavily thought out input! :D

The Glock 19 is clearly up ahead OP. I also don't think I'd rule out the 26 if I was you, either.
Can't vote, the choices are way to limited and doesn't even include a "none of the above".

The poll was intended to ask for guidance and recommendations on the choices presented. It was not intended to be a be all end all poll. It has served its purpose.