CC Flashlight/laser/night sights?


New member
I was recently doing some night time drills with my "practice gun" (just a cheap airsoft pistol that is same size and close to same weight as my carry weapon) in my apartment. I discovered the BIGGEST issue I had was visibility. I think that is obvious.

I DO keep a pretty powerful flashlight next to my bed at night. I even keep and identical one in my truck. But neither of these adress one of the bigger issues that I am not thinking about. What if I am in an area where I may not have my light? I understand that I should carry a flashlight with me as part of my CC kit, but in a situation where miliseconds count drawing the flashlight is impractical and might end up being wasted movement.

So does anyone have any suggestions? I carry a Springfield XD SC9mm, so rail lasers/lights are possible. I would have an issue with holster though I think. I am wondering if I might consider replacing my sights on my weapon with glowing sights? ANY suggestions are more than appreciated. I mean I avoid poorly lit areas like the plague, but again as we ALL know: you never know.
I want to add that I carry IWB and that is my primary mode of carry. Covering garments are rarely an option for me other than a long t-shirt because of the lovely Florida weather.
i just started carrying a flashlight recently myself. I wanted something that would blind/disorient someone and i stumbled across the novatac brand of lights and so far i like it. I has a recessed button so you dont have to worry about cutting it on by accident, and it has a bright mode(120l) med mode (like 60l) and a battery saving mode (like10 lumen), and it also has a bright strobe mode that will definitely disorient you in the dark. Good luck
Well I do use the point and shoot method in close already. I started as a shotgun shooter, so this method is very easy for me. I am more concerned about a situation where I need the light and I need it quick.