CBS Sunday Morning


New member
Just finished watching today's CBS Sunday Morning show. The entire show was on guns in the US. Amazingly unbiased with fair presentation of both pro and anti gun positions. No conclusion, bias, or preconceived notions as near as Icould tell. Definitely the fairest gun presentation I've viewed on TV.
I'm watching some of it here:

But there MUST be a better way of getting to the show as this is only a segment of the show.

Okay. A little extra effort found this page:

It is a personal problem with me but I just saw the segment about 'family' and guns in Cody Wyoming and I don't like the 'smarmy' attitude of the reporter--but again that is a personal, subjective, not objective view of my own-lots of other folk might not even notice it or maybe it really doesn't exist outside my own mind.
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Reasonably well done. Certainly better than most.

I don't agree the gun culture started due to advertising after the frontier closed. There were plenty of exposition shooters, advertising print, and funded penny novels espousing the firearm as a keystone of the frontier and personal security well before it closed.

I also don't agree the vision of the gun as simply a tool closed with the frontier. Almost anyone with more than a few acres still owns a gun. They may not be into self-defense, hunting, or sport shooting, but they have something in a closet to take care of a raccoon or to investigate a bump in the night.

I think current US gun culture is an offshoot of hoarding generally seen throughout the population. Like the person with 10 cars up on concrete blocks in their yard, but much easier to hide. 100 guns and 100,000 rounds or you probably don't know what you are talking about. I myself have a bit of a hoard(though nowhere near 100). I cleaned out about half my inventory a few years back, but I recently realized I have several firearms I have not shot in five years. I will be taking each to the range and shooting up all my ammo for them, as ammo doesn't resale well in my experience, and sending them to a new home.

THe only hesitation is with my Garand. Should I wait until CMP runs out as the price will almost certainly rocket up?
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On the CBS web page there was a pictorial feature 'America's Favorite Guns'.

Seems like whenever they can they relate a gun to a famous or infamous shooting.


Take a look at #14.

Here, a young boy aims a semi-automatic shotgun at the 2015 NRA Annual Convention in Nashville, Tennessee.
Credit: Karen BLeier/AFP/Getty Images

Looks to me like an over/under shotgun but that's pretty picky right?
I saw it, too, and while there was more balance than usual, there were some things that left me shaking my head, too. For example, they did a story about a guy who had shot and killed his own sister when a child, decades ago, without mentioning either that children have defended themselves against home breakers by knowing how to handle a gun, or that laws governing firearm storage are on the books in many jurisdictions.

They also used the familiar switch of discussing overall homicide and violent crime rates before gun control measures are enacted, to gun-related homicide and crime afterwards.

I know I am preaching to the choir, but I am still waiting for a report that clearly admits that there will be lives lost by preventing effective self defense after the enactment of gun control measures, or that anyone overseas who may have had the will and means to protect him- or herself was injured or killed because they were not allowed to arm themselves. That would be balance. Gun control is not a situation of all gains without offsetting losses.

:rolleyes: Confusing an over/under for a semi-auto is not even the most outrageous misstatement in that photo gallery series. It is like they are trying to work a complete misstatement of fact into every picture.

The Ruger Precision Rifle is yet another AR15 variant? Neither the AR15 nor the 1911 are in the top 25 of America's favorite guns? A sixth grader could have done a better job with that.
I wonder if they even TRY anymore.


Thanks, but I can't take credit for it. That meme has been floating around the Internet for quite a while...

Well yes it has but popping it up at an 'appropriate' time gets you points in my book.