CBS Evening News with Dan Rather is at it again!!!


New member
Tonight (Fri 07May) on the CBS Evening News with Dan Rather they were touting the wonderful restrictive guns laws of Japan. They showed kids playing all sorts of violent video games and then they talked about the low firearm murder rate in Japan and then how America's problem was the easy access to guns.

Here is where to go to give CBS some feedback on their propaganda...

<a href="">CBS FEEDBACK</a>

Here is a copy of what I sent them...

Dear CBS,

Tonight I was appalled at a report that you made about Japan and gun control. Yes, Japan has a low firearm murder rate compared to the United States, but that is not because of the restrictive gun control laws in Japan as you implied. If it were that simple, why does Switzerland have an extremely low firearm murder rate when that country is awash in fully automatic (machine guns) weapons. Most male citizens in that country are REQUIRED to keep machine guns in their homes in case of a national emergency.

I intend to write all of your advertisers to inform them that I will not be buying their products as long as they advertise on an anti-gun-rights news program. I will also encourage all of my acquaintances to the same until you stop your antigun propaganda.


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I tried to post the following response. It would not let me do it, I will try again.

I am stunned at your ignorance. Can you honestly believe that Japan has a better system than America? This is America--the land of the free, the home of the brave--we are different by definition from every other country. We are FREE people. WE tell our government what to do, NOT vice versa.

I am proud to be a law-abiding citizen of the United States of America. I WILL remain a free woman as long as I live. I know what is best for me AND I have the right to defend myself. I WILL continue to own, shoot, and carry guns whether you like it or not. The Bill of Rights (2nd Amendment) recognizes this freedom. Anyone who does not recognize this freedom should be ashamed to call him/herself an American.

"Time changes everything"
Yah...and the suicide rate in Japan is much higher than, I suppose we should try to be more like the Japanese and kill ourselves?

Japan has always had weapons control. Non warrior castes were forbidden weapons upon pain of death. Oh yeah, and they could be murdered in whimsey and impunity by the warrior caste as well. A country of eons of programmed subservience to authority. Yeah, I wanna be Japanese.

The Sicilian way is better ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Here's what I sent. Hope you don't mind if I borrowed some from you, Miss .357, but when someone has said it better . . . .

<font color="cccc00">To Whom it May Concern:

I am frankly appalled that your program would allow such a blatant display of either malice or ignorance as the recent piece praising Japan for banning firearms to reach the air.

Had you bothered to research the issue at least as carefully as the average 8th grader, you might have noticed that the number of murders committed in the US WITHOUT firearms (with bats, knives, bare hands, poison, etc.) is greater than the number of murders committed by ALL methods taken together in Japan. How is this possible if guns are to blame for murder?

On the other hand, Switzerland and Israel, where most private citizens own and use automatic weapons, have much lower rates of murder than the US even though guns are even more common there than in the US. How is that possible if the presence of more guns causes more murders?

The answer is that it is not possible. By taking the cheap and easy way out on this issue, you have sold your credibility cheaply. I hope you can live without it.</font>
Interesting facts about Japan which I learned from another bulletin board correspondent who is a LEO and has attended LEO conferences in that country.

There are approximately 20 gunshot deaths per day in Japan.

Criminal suspects in Japan have NO RIGHTS. In fact, they are not suspects, they are guilty criminals. Japanese judicial process is not based on the assumption of innocence until guilt is proven, or even guilt until innocence is proven. In Japan, you are arrested BECAUSE you are guilty. You will be "fairly" tried, "fairly" convicted, and "fairly" senteced.

Japan has a different classification system for deaths than does the US. If a body is found with 4 gunshot wounds to the back of the head, it is not considered a homicide. If no one is arrested and convicted, it will forever remain a "suspicious death." It will ONLY be classified as a homicide if someone is convicted. No wonder Japan has a 100% conviction rate on homicide. Maybe we should adopt this, so that we can have a 100% rate as opposed to the very low percentages we currently have. (Yeah, right.)

Shoot straight regards, Richard
Thank you, Sir. Rather's been on the anti-gun bandwagon for years, at least as long as I can remember. I'll contact CBS as well. Thanks, again.
Sent to CBS:
Dan Rather seems enamoured of the Japanese system of firearms control. Did he also learn that if you are arrested by the police you can be held up to thirty days without a magistrate's review, arraignment, or access to an attorney. Does Dan suggest we adopt that system too?

Bruce Stanton