CBS egregiously flawed story on AWB


New member
CBS has a long history of being anti-gun.

It's probably because it's an election year that they are trying to stir the pot again with this egregiously flawed story (story---because it's fiction) about the assault weapons ban (AWB).

Here's the headline:
Federal assault weapons ban expired 20 years ago. Here's the impact.

And here's some quotes from the article:

Researchers estimate that if the assault weapons ban was in effect from 2015 to 2019 it would have prevented mass shootings that resulted in 1,478 people shot and killed or wounded.

---have this endless list of communities that have been impacted by these tragedies and the common denominator is legal access to assault weapons. These are weapons of war that were designed for the battlefield.

This is a law (the AWB) that protects the Second Amendment and American lives at the same time.

AR-15's and AR-47
Calling an AK-47 an AR-47 just falls in line with their knowledge about firearms. I suspect you could convince them that the "AR-47" would be 32 times more deadly than the "AR-15", cause, you know, AR-47 minus AR-15 would equal AR-32.

The whole video is here and it's a bit over three minutes if you can stomach to watch the whole thing. How they can jam so much misinformation in this amount of time is truly amazing. The one bright point is that almost all the comments to the story point out the story's flaws.
It's easy for people to skew the numbers to fit an agenda on this. The first two studies on the 1994 ban found its effects to be "mixed" at best.

Here's the 1996 Koper study, done by the National Institute of Justice.

Here's the 2004 follow-up, funded by the DOJ.

Nobody has produced an actual study showing a clear, causal relation between such bans and a reduction in the severity of mass shootings. Gun-control advocates have produced internal studies with problematic methodologies that could show a slight possible difference.

Furthermore, we don't have a consistent definition of mass shooting. Different organizations use different yardsticks. Much of the media latched on to a site called the Gun Violence Archive because it produces a number vastly higher than the FBI's numbers, but the methodology is hopelessly flawed.

For example, in 2021 the Gun Violence Archive reported 693 mass shootings, while Everytown for Gun Safety reported 27 and Mother Jones reported 6.

It's pretty hard to measure anything with any accuracy when the sources are so flawed and obviously biased to fit a narrative. Claims like those made by CBS are simply irresponsible at this point.
Well, that is kind of the point. The goal here is to create random conversations and talking points throughout society as a whole so it is impossible for there to be a significant counter point.

Anymore it takes all the professionalism and self control I have to counter these random talking points as they come up. I would love a way to spread the counter point effectively, but I cannot compete with Bloombergs money. My best bet is to support SAF, GOA and NRA.

They are working on a model of “all you gotta do is”…..basically over communicate some shootings. You have to prioritize child deaths. So you need laws that bus children to places you have made defenseless and are places kids associate with struggle and social pressure. Let’s call those schools, concerts, stadiums, etc. Then, for the most part, you just over reposrt, but under investigate those stories. As in when was you saw a full root cause analysis of any of these events with follow up. Usually, it is just a loose here is some of what we think happened and oh yea, it really is just too many guns “on the street”.

The numbers get tricky because they only want to show in detail those mass shootings which fit the narrative of children pressured by society to go get a gun “in the street” and just kill random wholesome children of value. These decisions of what to cover are incredibly racist, biased and just gross.

So, what can we do. Basically continue to be abundant in the public discourse. Continue to grow our abilities to calmly and logically rebut. Also, not how to turn it off when an anti gets mouth burst. Let them get the insane, frothy yelling last word. Be prepared to answer who would carry a gun, what 12yr old needs an ar15, who would ever need to make ammo, why does anybody need a military assault rifle, caliber, etc, why do people store guns loaded, etc.

Often the media will pull out an incident and say normal things about it. I love it when they go to the “crackhouse apartment complex” and talk about family tragity do to a gun left out around kids. Hell, let’s talk about how children were roaming free in an apartment alone at midnight because mom was high and dad was cutting up crack next door. Oh yea, and he had 12 illegal guns laying around loaded to protect his stash….but they want to talk about them as working class folks that made the mistake of buying a gun and kids just doing what kids do.
Back before there was an internet to endlessly repeat misinformation to everyone 24/7, back when the National Coalition to Ban Handguns became Handgun Control Inc, and before they became the "Brady bunch" they were reporting some truly staggering numbers under the heading of "Death of a Child due to a Handgun".

And the press just repeated it, as if it were proven fact.

After a "defector" from the group revealed their criteria, it explained a lot.

Everyone under the age of 25 was considered a "child".

Anyone shot by anything was counted as "death of a child due to a handgun"
People shot during crimes were counted. People shot by the police were counted. Suicides were counted, criminal on criminal violence was counted. All this, and more was revealed showing how flawed, and intentionally misleading their "data" was.

And, NOTHING CHANGED! The press still reported their BS numbers is if they were verified facts.

Seems like today, its just as bad, if not worse.
Everyone under the age of 25 was considered a "child".

They still are. Since Sandy Hook, they've been claiming that gun violence is the #1 cause of death among children. But that only works if they stretch the numbers and include young adults killed in gang-related shootings.
They also have to exclude children under the age of one to make the numbers work.

No, they don't. Because they lie. TRUTH doesn't matter. Accuracy doesn't matter, and apparently Honesty and Integrity don't matter, either. ALL that matters to them is pushing their agenda.

Even when it, and their arguments are obviously barking stupid.