CBS 60 Minutes II Smartguns 2night

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This Tuesday's 60 minutes II will contain a segment on Smartguns.

looked like an iColt demo and a rebuttal from waht i saw this AM

We were discussing 'smart guns' last evening, and my friends and I have a better idea.

Convicted, violent felons will have a computer chip implanted in their heads. 'Smart guns' will home in on that chip automatically when you draw your gun. Your choice will be whether to fire or not. Now, that's a smart gun. ;)
did anyone else watch the show?
they interviewed a developer in Sanfransico that has developed a wrist band gun and the CEO of S&W

nothing from colt or any other manufacturer

they interviewed a VPC guy who opposses all smart guns cause he wants all guns banned

no one brought up that for smart guns to have a significant impact all old guns would need to go away...

cars do wear out & someday most will have air bags
not true for guns

Yeah, I saw it. The reporter really surprised me. She acually seemed to be on our side. The whole thing seemed to question if smart guns were possible or not. Technically, yes. Practically, no.
In the end, as usual, they seemed in favor of smart guns, but at least they weren't jumping up and down about it.
I saw it...

Grayfox, I disagree...she wan't on our side...she was just dubious that smart technology would work....there is a big difference. She did not have the slightest bit of understanding.. There wasn't even a phony show of balance.
One guy (don't recall who he represented) stated he wouldn't be happy until " guns were safe...from children, nuts and criminals".....
OK moron....lets also redefine Thermodynamics.

The VPC guy (Diaz) felt that smart guns were an evil business conspiracy...a means of gun companies marketing ploy...and will sell more guns than ever before.

Total and complete anti gun pap. Do not expect any balance

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I, too, agree that the reporter wasn't knowledgable about the topic, and definately wasn't on our side.

All in all, the tone of the report was the same ol' anti-gun BS - "Guns kill people. Guns are bad. We need to reform our gun laws. We need to take guns away. Blahblahblah". Notice all the shots of EMS, people running for their lives and SWAT activity? Meant to inspire fear and hysteria. She didn't ask any questions of real importance, only crap like "when will it be available?". Things she could have asked?

How does it work?
Does it use some sort of radio signal?
Can outside interference block the signal, preventing the gun from firing?
If a criminal steals this gun, can the "smart chip" be deactivated (ala converting semi-auto to full-auto)?
Can someone make their own wristband that emits radio frequencies, fooling the gun into thinking that it's the owner who's firing it?
If the gun fails to fire, is the manufacturer held legally responsible? *laugh*
Are the police/security guards/armed forces/secret service going to be issued "smart guns"? (hell no)
Etc, etc, etc.

What really upset me is when the head honcho from Smith & Wesson was talking about their efforts to develop and market a "smart gun" of their own. First Colt bowing to lawyer/government pressure, now Smith & Wesson? What's going to happen with the only kind of gun you can buy is a "smart gun"? Personally, I sure as hell don't want to bet my life on a "smart gun" or microchip. The Windows(tm) computers we are forced to use here at work crash far too often... ;)

Oh, and did anyone else notice that the trigger pull seemed a little too long for her when she tried to shoot it? :)
Did anyone notice how they violated most of the rules of gun safety? The smart gun developer handed the obvisouly clueless reporter a loaded gun with the safety off. The reporter's finger promptly went to the trigger and stayed there for most of the segment. In fact, her finger was on the trigger practically the entire time she held the gun. I am surprised that she didn't fire the gun sideways gangsta' style. If you are going to take the time to do a report, at least take the time to do it right.
CBS Has always stood for Communist Broadcasting System.

You can trust a communist to be a communist.
Watch your back. CBS Will surely broadcast, in the near future, anything to remove the power from the people to make their own decisions.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
Ok, now that I've dragged my foot out of my mouth, let me rephrase that. The reporter seemed to be on our side as to doubting if smart gun technology would work.
Even I am not dumb enough to think a network reporter would be pro-RKBA.
I think the best part of the entire segment was the final words by the CEO of Smith & Wesson. After lengthy discussions about smart gun technology with designers, anti-gun lawyers, and someone from VPC, S&W's CEO says something like, "We need to develop a gun that can sense the intentions of the user, that would be a smart gun."

That says everything in my opinion. Even if an authorized user of a proposed smart gun is the only one that can operate the weapon, he/she can still commit mass murder with it, or any other armed crime. This goes further to highlight the real problem, which is not the weapon, but the person operating the weapon.