Caught a little boar so far...


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A guy offered me a couple pups delivered from Louisiana if we could set up a hunt or 2... So far we ran dogs on 2 places. One this morning got us a tipped and tied little baor maybe 70-80 pounds... Tonight the dogs were out done by a smart old savvy hog that wouldn't let himself get fully bayed for the catch dogs to be turned to him. Got a few pics of the little pig but hope to have bigger pig pics when I post 'em up...
Pics added... weekend hunt is over....

Okay I am done huntin' for the weekend and got me a long much needed nap...
We didn't get any more hogs tied up. These guys had dogs more used to flat out marsh hunting than the thick woods these pigs live in. Today's hunt we got on some more smart woods hogs that played these dogs like a fiddle layin down all kids of tracks then shaggin' out quiet. These hogs we were gettin on have been dogged, caught kept in pens and turned back loose so they don't stopped real long knowing a yappin curr dog in their face before them freight train bulldogs hits 'em in the side of the head...
Here is the pics of the pig, will post some of the pups after I get them took...





That is Junior... He likely is holdin' back a gob of spit from the mouth full of Levi Garret...
I've heard other say that big pigs are fine dining, but that one looks like the perfect eatin size to me.

Forgive me for having banjos on the brain.
He is in a pen...those handling pics are turnin him loose in the "woods" pen. That is the best way and size for a roaster. He would get de-nutted and left to heal from that a month or less and then butchered for the premium results.
We took a couple 200#ers a couple years ago. The sow wasn't bad (the smoked sausage was my favorite, but the boar was terrible. I mean really rank. I've decided to let the big boars lay where they fall. If I can get a mess of 20# piglets I'll be in hog heaven.
Junior is a piglet addict... He thinks a #20 weiner pig is a one man dish... He won't think twice about eating it all in one sitting... But there is such a thing as pork overdose. One symptom is mutiple trips to the john for one hour plus sessions reading old hunting magazines...:D
One of the nice things about using dogs to catch them alive is we can pen them up, castrate them, shoot them with wormer and feed them a controlled diet for a few weeks before slaughter making for a much finer eating pork. Boars are rank when sows are in heat nearby and they go into fighting mode. Sows deep in heat can be just as gamey though.
We might just have to build some kind of catch pen/trap. Damn things are overrunning the property. I like the idea of nuttin, wormin and watchin the diet for a couple weeks. I'll hit the FIL up on the idea and see what he says. If you don't mind I might drop you a PM about it if the idea gets off the ground.
I would love to help... fire away... I can walk you thru several types of trap construction and baiting methods I have found to work. One of the things with trapping is you won't get alot of the smart big breeder problems as they are too smart for traps for the most part. But you will score alot of 150 pound and under type pigs which is the best eating any way. Bigger pigs are best run through the grinder... ALL the meat... Just tell your processor you want it all in various types of sausage.