Catholic's for smartguns?


New member
from October, Balmer sun

BALTIMORE (AP) -- A proposal by Gov. Parris Glendening to mandate the sale of handguns with safety devices received the support of Catholic priests and
bishops across Maryland Monday, who said they will urge congregants to back the push for ''smart'' guns.

The move could bring the support of nearly 1 million Maryland Catholics.

Glendening wants to make Maryland the first state to require gun manufacturers to make weapons that only the owner or a registered user can fire.

Catholics have exerted influence on legislators on a number of social issues, with mixed results. But their support of bans on certain types of guns has been
important, said Vincent DeMarco of Marylanders Against Handgun Abuse.

''They're extremely influential in Annapolis,'' DeMarco said. Their support is going to make a big difference in this.''

DeMarco said Catholic voters helped push through a 1988 ban on cheap handguns known as ''Saturday night specials,'' as well as a 1994 ban on assault
weapons. They also were influential in persuading legislators to pass a 1996 measure limiting gun purchases to one per month.

Catholic doctrine supports the idea of safer guns, said Bishop Gordon D. Bennett.

''Respect for each and every human life is the bedrock for the church's social teaching,'' Bennett said. ''There is no question that the misuse and the criminal use
of handguns takes a tremendous human toll.''

Bennett noted that there were 32,436 firearms related deaths in the United States in 1997, and added that many teen-agers use handguns to commit suicide. He
also said recent polls show widespread support for ''smart gun'' legislation.

National polls by the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research show that about 88 percent of voters and 80 percent of gun owners support the

''It is a mandate if I ever saw one,'' Bennett said.

The Maryland proposal is shaping up as one of the most contentious in the upcoming legislative session.

Glendening has compared the gun safety effort to the push for air bags, which came about after government regulations were imposed on the auto industry.

Two major gun manufacturers have told lawmakers they oppose the measure, although they are researching the technology.

A state task force examining the devices heard last month from representatives of Beretta USA Corp., who said the requirement would put gun dealers out of
business and give gun owners a false sense of security.

Possible designs have been researched by Beretta, but have not had great success, the company's product manager said. Beretta is an Italian gun manufacturer
with a plant in Prince George's County and a warehouse on Maryland's Eastern Shore.

Officials from Colt's Manufacturing Co. told the task force last week that too much research still needs to be done on the sophisticated new devices to begin
making such guns.

Despite its opposition, Colt's is the only gun manufacturer that has actively researched the safety devices, which include fingerprint-activated guns and those
requiring the shooter to wear a special ring in order to fire.

Colt's, based in Connecticut, has manufactured three smart gun prototypes, two of which have malfunctioned during test firing, company officials said.
Catholics have taken a few and often deserved hits here lately. In reference to their political influence in relation to papal doctrine, they seem pretty weak everywhere in the US. I only hear about liberal causes that are promoted by this apparently dwindling mass of believers. (abortion for example) Marxist Nuns or militant Priests or goofy Brothers and Laypeople do not necessarilly represent the core of the Catholic Faith. Think of the republican party. It is composed of Marxists, Fascists, Totalitarians, Pure Aristotelian Democrats, Elitists, ect. and a few Constitutionalists. I call em the guardians of the foundation. When the foundation is compromised the house may fall. As a one-time potential candidate for at least the brotherhood, I can say that the foundation of the Church is as intact as the Second Amendment. Its' future is up to the core.
Hell, I'm ashamed to be a catholic! I guess this bishop has a right to be stoopid in this country, but he does NOT have the right to leave me or my family defenseless.

What does he suggest? Sprinkle the rapist with holy water and hope he goes away! Damn liberal do-gooders will get people killed!

Maryland catholics should take their Sunday envelope money and go buy AR15s. ;)
This is one, albeit lapsed, Catholic who puts no credence in the Church....especially outside the spiritual realm.

The Catholic Church will never, ever have the influence in the US that they have they realize that and quit meddling in things they have no business nor knowledge of. Else they will lose more and more to the blessed state of Lapsedhood

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
As another thoroughly lapsed Catholic, I can second DC's perspective and say that like most religions, Catholics adhere to the parts of the religion that makes sense to them and ignore the politics. Most don't really care (or know) what the Pope says about anything on any given day. I do think that what those guys in Balto. did was cheap pandering and political suck-uping, but they're entitled to express their opinions, regardless of how wrong-headed, misguided, and misinformed they may be.

OTOH (& FWIW), the Church does have a parton saint on marksmansship (St. Pietro of somewhere-in-Italy) who averted a battle of some sort by plinking a lizard off a rock (and we had our guy before teh Mormons had JMB). I, myself, will stick with smart shooters. M2
This is one person who was born and raised catholic only to be happy to let the door hit me on the arse on the way out!

I've had some serious issues with the RC church, and this is just one of them. Seems that the separation between church and state only works when something's in their favor. I wonder what they've been promised for this show of support. This is one area that they need to keep their noses out of.

Sorry to nearly rant on this one. Religion is a VERY personal matter and, personally, me and the RC church, we don't get along. Where's Martin Luther when we need him?


Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Society

[This message has been edited by Ron L (edited January 21, 2000).]
Interesting to see the bashing emerge. I presume that gun owners and Catholics are the only groups left that it is 'correct' to stereotype and malign. St. Thomas Aquinas was (and probably is) one of the most important thinkers that ever lived--he would no doubt consider a 'smart gun' solution to human misbehavior ridiculous. And, as usual, he would be right. Don't blame the Church because some of the people in it can't/won't use the brains God gave's pretty universal. We're supposed to develop informed consciences--emphasis, informed.

Good un Robert. I can empathise with those that are disenfranchised. The basis is still intact among the faithful. It is not the commercial dogma that will survive, but our informed conscience in relation to our God. Peace and freedom to those who walk a different path, and carry no chains with my name on them. I carry none with theirs and may we pass calmly and respectfully armed. :)
I sincerely apologize if it sounded like I was bashing the RC church. That wasn't my intent. As one who attended catholic schools, maybe I was hit with a ruler a few times too many. If I was, I'm sure I deserved it. ;)

The RC upbringing I had helped shape a positive value and belief system that still works very well for me. It's just that we had two bad experiences in two seperate churches while looking for a church home after a move out of state. Catholicity meant enough to us that we now attend a small Episcopal church (catholic with a little C). Like I stated, it's a personal thing to me, and me alone. The fact that a few other regional RC churches in another diocese are growing at a fair clip leads me to believe that, thankfully, bad experiences are not widespread.

Didn't mean to get off on the wrong foot.


Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Society