Catching Cases????


Is there a contraption out there that can catch the casings from the friend saw something like that at the range where a bag like contraption caught all the casings that ejected out...if there is a place that can buy such a product please send a link or adress where i can get one for a pistol like a sig p229 thanx...

There are stands with nets attached that catches the expelled casings. I forgot where I saw them advertised. A guy that shoots at the club I belong to, made his own. It catches 99% of the cases.

If I find the URL, I will post it.

1911 Addiction
"Rangers Lead the Way!"

[This message has been edited by ArmySon (edited May 01, 2000).]
You could also go the cheesy way, like i did once, and get a fish net, like the little ones you use in a fish tank, you can then put it under your palm as you grab the gun and by a few trial and errors position the net right where it catches all the brass.
but then we got smart and bought a big ole army net, like for stickin branches in to hide tanks, and put that puppy on the ground, tyin part of it to a tree. NO MORE WORRIES MATE!!
but then, i get to shoot outside, fer free!!!