Cat size is relative...


New member
I guess if you live in a disarmed country and don't have Pumas, Jaguars, Tigers, Lions etc...
Then Lynx would be a "Big Cat".
From the London Times.

British News
August 28, 2002

It's August, and big cats are on the prowl
By Alan Hamilton

ROUND up the sheep. Pull on the gauntlets. Oil the shotgun. The British countryside is crawling with pumas, black panthers, fen tigers and other big, vicious cats.
No corner of the nation is safe. Evidence released yesterday, including sightings, photographs, paw prints, livestock kills and hair samples, claims to prove that every county has big cats lurking in its undergrowth, poised to pounce on man and beast alike.

Sightings have reached record levels in 2002, according to Daniel Bamping, founder of the British Big Cats Society, which in the past 12 months has received more than 800 reports of big cat sightings.

“During the first six months we have seen an incredible amount of big cat activity. We have now had reports in every single county; the response from the public has been fantastic,” Mr Bamping said. “Big cats in Britain are real. They are out there, they are breeding; there’s more of them.”

Scotland and Gloucestershire are said to be hotspots of big cat activity. Mark Fraser, who heads the society’s Scottish arm, said: “Lynx are now present in the Scottish countryside; I believe they are established and breeding. I don’t want to hazard a guess at the numbers; suffice it to say there are several hotspots, notably Fife, Aberdeenshire, Inverness and the Borders.”

Next month the society plans to unveil its full dossier of evidence, which includes two dead wild cats, pictures of paw prints and tree scratchings, as well as stories of a horse strangely lacerated in West Wales and a man in Gravesham, Kent, who had to beat a hasty retreat to his garage after his hand was cut by a creature the size of a labrador dog, except that it had black hairy tufts on the tips of its ears.

The society is taking the sightings seriously. It plans to set up a network of trigger-cameras throughout the country to capture further evidence of the beasts, which it will then present to the Government.

It is not, however, clear on what it wants the Government to do about it all. Throwing its weight behind the pro-hunting lobby might be a start.

Next in August: record abductions by aliens.

Oh, NO!!! Say it ain't so, Sam!!!!

A BIG CAT HYSTERIA starter from the one poster I have relied on as a benchmark of level headedness-What are we coming to?

Actually, my vote is for the caracal, a marvelous puttytat responsible for the concept of "putting the cat among the pigeons."
Funny thing. When hunting is reduced/eliminated, populations rise. Sometimes to bad levels. Southern Cal, and Orange County in particular, is seeing a significant increase in human/cougar encounters. No one has been killed yet, cats generally just growl and the people run.
Y'all have forgotten the woman up by Sacramento who was killed by a lion, some few years back. The bunny-hugger crowd raised over $20,000 to take care of the later-orphaned cubs.

800 sightings in all of Great Britain in a year? Lordy! We've had four on my lousy little 300 acres, in the last two months.

Do the math.

:), Art