Casting Bullets

long rider

New member
Any of you guys cast your owen bullets. I was thinking of giving it a go.
I was thinking of 45 colt and 44spl. I was wondering how easy it was, i
heard it was less expensive than buying manufatured bullets. Appreciate
some info.
Long Rider.:D

Sod buster tried to pull on willson.
if you can get ahold of a bunch of wheel weights you are in business.

but before you start, buy either the Lyman Cast bullet book, OR the regular LymanReloadig manual, and read them cover to cover.

From there how experiencd are you with re-loading?

My set up includes a Lee variable temp melting pot, Lee Bullet sizers, Various Lyman and other bullet moulds.

for lubing bullets, a liquid tumble lube should work well at velocities under 1200fps

I have been casting handgun bullets for some time and 100 rounds of 45ACP costs me about $5.50
It costs a lil bit to get set up but definitely worth it in the long run if you have a cheap source of lead. Some tire shops will give you wheel weights. The clip on weights are harder than the stick ons. Stick ons are 98% pure lead and work very well with muzzle loaders, clip ons don't but they work well with smokeless or cartridge guns with bp.
Bullet Casting

I have been loading cartridges for about 5 years now, with bp and
smokeless, only in 45 44 cal. I remeber when a box 500 45 cost 22$
now it cost allmost 50$. Looks like i will have to think this over.
I thank you all for the info.:D

Sod buster tried to pull on willson.
"Running Lead"

Have run lead in the past and then had a good source on manufactured ones. Started running lead again, two years ago and it's starting to pay off because of the current price of lead. I would recommend that you do not do this indoors or at least, make sure you have "great" ventilation. I have a good source of scrap lead and initially melt it in a cast pot, on my propane burner, outdoors. This is an initial cleaning process on dirty scrap lead. I then cast into ingots and these I put in my electric pot. Along with the listed supplies, get some: Frankford Arsenal CleanCast Lead Fluxing Compound 1 lb. I get mine from Midway but some folks don't use it. A little goes a long way and works great. You might also want to get a scale to check results. Just another learning curve and you will get the hang of it. Be safe !!!
Bullet Casting

Thanks pahoo for your tips. I have got 99% of it down,
when you say scrap lead, do you mean like old lead pipe
and roof lead? give me ideas, thats one thing i am not to
sure of.
Thanks Long Rider.:D
Sod Buster Tried To Pull On Willson.
For what I run, I shoot for as pure as I can find. I normally run round balls and conicals. A plumber friend of mine, gave me about 40lbs. of ingots and still have plenty. I do not cast for cartridges. Old lead pipe is good as well as electrical cable, sinkers and wheel weights. Old roofing lead is okay but I don't see much of that. Know a fella that rakes the dirt berms at one of our ranges. I also have a source from a foundry whose purity is unknown and I have to test it with my hardness tester. Generally, if I can cut it with a pocket knife, I'm okay. I do a bit of sorting but not much. Sometimes I also make decoy weights for my kids. ... Be safe !!!
I have a 100lb lead bar that I have been cutting for balls and such but it is tough whittling that bar down you can't saw it or use a Metabo with cut off blade. I have used a hatchet head and hammer but that is slow any suggestions? For bullet lube get some lanolin and bees wax lanolin is sheep tallow same stuff they use in spg lube.
Gees, :eek:
I don't know, but what comes to mind is to drill a hole through the end of the bar and take a propane torch to it. Aim the flame down into the hole and have a pan to catch the drips. This will take it down to a manageable size. The lead should melt around 614 deg. F. or 327 deg. C, so the propane torch should get you there but have to admit that it sure is a bunch of work. I would think that chipping it off should work just as well. I know it's a pain but be thankful you have this lead. I suppose you could also sell it and use the money to buy what you need. Lots of luck and let us know how you make out. Don't forget about the proper ventilation or breathing protection and keep the kids away. Lots of luck. Be Safe !!!
Years ago I had a 55 gallon drum full of lead seals from old steam pipes. Took a while to shoot it all up but I got'er done.:D

I also rake the berms at our outdoor range and usually get around 20 lbs of mix. I separate cast from jacketed, as the core of most jacketed is fairly soft and excellent for B/P and cast is usually hard enough for smokless. I also have a stockpile of ww ingots from a score from a tire shop a few years ago. With the price of lead going up, the tire shops are getting wise and salvaging rather than pay a hasmat fee to have it taken away as they have been doing for the past 6 years.
gus3836,you may want to check with local steel fab. shops as they may have machine to cut bar in manageable pieces. i know they can shear thick steel , don`t know about lead. goodluck.