Cast my 1st bullets today


New member
Finally got time to cast these after smelting the ingots earlier in Dec. Used the Lyman 358091 wadcutter for the 38s. First batch of about 60 came out with wrinkles so I turned up the heat on the Lyman 10# ladle pour pot and kept the mould resting on the edge of the pot between filling. Plus I kept the ladle resting in the melt the whole time. Effect was to raise the temp some since the garage was very cold as it was 25 deg. outside and I had the door up about 2 in. for ventilation. The second batch was fine, 101 bullets and only one that had real deformities. This was from range scrap ingots. Here is the result and I am a happy camper.;)



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Yeah I think I am hooked. I have two car repair shops saving WW for me plus the lead I can scrounge from two outdoor ranges, so I am good to go for now.

I have two moulds for the 357 mag to work up as well as one Lee mould for the 9mm Mak!

I love castin... and reloading.... good thing I can shoot... otherwise I couldnt reload any longer:o

I also built a backstop on our pistol targets so that we can keep the lead bullets and reuse them.
I love the whole thing too. Friends think I am nuts now with casting but I wanted to try it out and I will probably stick with it at least as long as I can find lead anyway. Once the WW dry up and we have to pretty much buy alloy that might be a different story.

Thats exactly why Im trying already to keep my bullets..and remelt them after shooting....Hopefully my supply will last longer.
I love the whole thing too. Friends think I am nuts now with casting but I wanted to try it out and I will probably stick with it at least as long as I can find lead anyway. Once the WW dry up and we have to pretty much buy alloy that might be a different story.
As long as there are wheel weights made of lead, parking lots, and wheel weight pliers, I will have a source of lead.;)
Joe you casted them. Now you must load them up, and go out and shoot them. Even if it means breaking out the snow shoes, and enduring some cold to do so.:p

congrats on getting started. Good thing I live in Texas. We have fairly mild winters here. With the exeption of the few cold snaps we have. Last week temps were the low to mid 70's for highs with lows in the upper 40's. This week highs in the low 40's with lows in the 20's. Next week should be back in the low to mid 60's so I can shoot some of the bullets I casted on the realy cold nights we have had.
Okay M&P don't rub it in with your great weather!

I hope to shoot some this coming weekend, cold or not. We will see how they do and I will give you guys a report.

As long as there are wheel weights made of lead, parking lots, and wheel weight pliers, I will have a source of lead.;)
Are you aware that California has prohibited the installation of new lead weights? Which state will be next?
I just got a 6+ gallon bucket purt-near full of wheel weights that a technician friend saved up for me from the auto repair part of the dealership he works at. I love it. I'm saving all the ones I find. Now all I need to do is get me a bottom-pour melting pot and I'll be set!
Range report

Finally got to try these WC boolits in my M66 S&W today. what a hoot shooting my own ammo, although I have reloaded for the past couple of years. This was different.

I ran out of time at the range so couldn't try all the different batches I made up but this boolit over Titegroup shows some promise in the gun. No leading at all and a very mild load. I did pan lube them with Darr lube, but next time I may try a tumble lube it would be a lot easier. I have two more batches at the upper end of the load to try and I think that should tighten up the groups some. I will probably try Bullseye too as that is my fall back powder for a lot of the pistols I shoot.

And I picked up a 3/4 full coffee can of spent lead too just lying around the berm.

It`s on now !!!!

Congratulations jal5 !!!!! on gainin a bit of independence !!!!

Get ya a little 1 burner hot plate & warm the molds on it !!

Just hot enuff so the element does`nt glow !!!

Keep ya lead dry & don`t spend too much on molds !!!!!:D

Oh yeah meant to tell ya I get better accuracy from the 358091 with lubing only 2 grooves .
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Thanks guys, it was a lot of fun. I am keeping an eye out for a cheap hotplate for the mould too. Walgreens is opening up a store here in Feb. so that will be a place to try for one.

I will definitely try lube on only 2 grooves next time. It was a big mess the way I did it this first time, with lube everywhere.

I lube 2 grooves because the way I have my holes in my Star sizing die set up it only hits 2 lube grooves....which is more than enough lube. Lubing all 3 is bad Ju-Ju! ;) (J/K by the way... :rolleyes: )
That lubing 2 grooves by panlubing is really tricky to me. Tried a second batch tonite and lubed all three grooves again. I have to be more careful about pouring in the melted lube I guess.
