Cast Bullet question #2


Thanks for all the help guys. I went ahead and loaded 25 rounds with 4.2gr of unique although I weighed 3 of them and the weight was from 4.17 to 4.26 with that powder. And i went with a OAL of 1.02 i'm going to take them to the range tommorrow and see how they fly. Another question i have is that I also cast a bunch of Lee 124gr RN bullets and the load data called for 4gr start load and 4.5 Max the thing im haveing trouble with is the Oal. These bullets have large lube rings that are larger then the bullet so if i seat the bullet all the way down to the lube ringes it seems like the case is way away from the bullet with a big lip that you can see and feel. I got the load data from alliant but they did not give me a AOL so does any one have an idea on how deep i should be loading these things. Sorry, hope that made some sense.