Case Expansion

New/Primed 9mm case

Technically NO. Not sure what you mean by "New/Primed" brass, if you mean "Pre-primed" brass the answer is still NO you do not need to re-size them.

If you are talking about "New" purchased bass without the primer in it, you can load them without sizing the case, but I size all 9 mm cases new or used before I prime them. With once fired brass being so easy to get at a range, I have not purchased new 9 MM cases in about 8 years.

I do have about 250 "New/Primed" 45 ACP cases and they will not be sized before I load them.

Good luck and have fun with reloading.
No telling from here.
Kind of depends on the bullets being used.
Try one and see.

I would have to know what bullet you are seating. As suggested, if the bullet is ripping the mouth of the case down one side start over.

F. Guffey
jakmak52, welcome to The Firing Line. You've come to the right place.

But I am not among those who has the answer for ya :p

I've never purchased pre-primed brass; and more importantly, wouldn't. That's just me. I want to prime my own brass - as well as drop the powder charge, seat the bullet, crimp the bullet, etc. You get my drift.

But . . .

If I were in your position, given my 31 years of handloading experience, I would flare the pre-primed cases to my liking. For a number of reasons:

First, I want to ensure they are flaired uniformly.

Second, I don't know if they've been banged around during shipping/handling to where the case mouths have been distorted.

Third, I prefer a little more flair then most; and thus, chances are, they will need to be flaired more to get to my preference; even if all the aforementioned were not an issue.