CAS Shoot in the Mojave Desert.

Old Dragoon

New member
Today I went to my second CAS match. Was only able to shoot the pistol targets as I don't have a shotgun or a rifle. No matter. I shot one pistyol C & B and the other conversion. I shot Frontier Cartridge which allows C & B or Conversions using Bp. I loved it the C & B was a hoot. and I did 5 stages(25 shots on 3 cylinders) without a slowdown using RK's lube. I shot 26 shot with the Conversion and I grabbed the wrong box of ammo and shot SPG lubeed bullets in that pistol. I got thru all 5ive stages but it slowed way up the last cylinder full. I did use RK's lube on the pin and cylinder in the conversion.
All I did between C & B cylinders was wipe the cylinders and relube them with RK's Lube. C & B pistol was full of crap but it was soft fouling and did not hinder the operation of the pistol at all.
Last stage we shot 11 pistol shots with a reload of one cartridge on the clock. I , of course, shot the C & B pistol on the first of each stage and followed up with the conversion. worked great.

In 50 shots I missed only five and three of those were on the 4th stage with the C & B Pistol due to operator error. I had missed one up to stage 4 and I missed one on the5th stage and got a dreaded "P" too. It was a Nevada Sweep on 3 targets left to right, one each, the right to left on the first two. Dummy here drill the third target twice for the "P". We recovered a couplew of my bullets from the steel targets. I'll post the picture of those later this evening.

It was a great day and I won a raffle prize again today. A bag of 50 new 44 spcl. cases. No one shoots 44 Colt's so I grabbed the special cases for my PP loads.
Great day and RK, your lube works great!! Oh and I just shot 35 grn, ball over BP with lube over ball. Keeping to the basics. I may not permanently convert this last "58. This is way too much fun.
I was the only one shooting BP today.
Sounds li ke you had a blast old Dragon ... sorry I couldn't make it. Got a call last nite had a computer job to do today so slept in. Took me an hour for $60...wish I could do that 8 hours a day... anyway you did well gunslinger and made all rem owners proud...I know I am. Good Job!
.451 ball and 248 Grn 44 Rem Recovered slugs....

I was able to recover two slugs after shooting at the steel CAS targets this afternoon. the round one is a .451 Dia Ball, 35 grns BP at 15 yards. that one is the size of a quarter.

the one big one is a 248 grn 44 Rew. .451 dia, driven by 30 grns BP in a colt 44 Case at 15 Yards. into steel CAS targets. It is bigger Dia than an old silver dollar. Just proves that slow and big is the way to go. I can see partial lube grooves and drive bands.

I thought these were pretty cool. I would not want to get hit with either.


first one , 248 grn 44 Rem. shown from firing line side, it is very smooth on the impact side, no dimple. Second is .451 Dia round Ball.

Both from firing line side.
Here's a shot of Me blazing away. The buckskin britches are vintage. LOL
I made them 30 years or more and wore them once. Couldn't get into them for the last 15-20 years, until a couple months ago. Wow! A new 30 year old pair of Elk hide drawers!
It was cold out there Sunday, but I was warm from the waist down. The britches did a good job stopping the wind.

Here I'm just starting a stage with the C & B '58 Rem. The Duster is a Driz-A- Bone I bought in 1992. Best chunk of change I ever spent. It's lined and stops the wind great.
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Cowboy shoot

Old Dragoon, you look in that pic like a Cowboy that got tired of eatin beans and cornbread offin the chuck wagon and went out to get some real food and pot a jack rabbit or rattle snake for supper. If that loading stand wasn't there with the wheel rim on the bottom of it.:D Kinda reminds me of that pic on the cover of Kevin Cosnere's movie "Wyatt Earp". :p What is RK's lube made of? I thought he said he was goin bare bones and shootin naked. You know, no lube over the ball or any wads or pills.:confused: Wish I lived out there in the west sos I could go to the shoot too. Glad you had fun. You're a regular rootin tootin shootin hombre cap&ball-conversion shooter extraordinaire afficionado. My kinda pard.:D I'm surprised you missed any targets. Goin too fast? Wyastt Earp said he only went as fast as his nervous system allowed with still being accurate. Better to be hittin than missin right? Of course you hit plenty of the targets.Breeze blowin the smoke back in your eyes?:confused: Anywhoooo, you look like an apparition from the past. Gonna try some "Colts" next time? You got some Colts right?:eek:
No Colts.......yet. Next Colt I buy will be one or a pair of 51 Navies in 36 Cal.
I would like to recreate that Kostner pose, maybe I can get SG to take some pictures at the range on a windy day....LOL. Well i got a couple other shots that maybe I can crop out the shooting stand.
As for the misses. it was the first stage with the C&b and I knew bwetter ,but shot low. I was a bit excited and didn't take my time. I shot the conversion a lot better. nary a miss with it. After I got going the C & B shot where I pointed it...He He I guess it did on the misses too. Huh? ...LOL.

A guy that came to see what the CAS was all about took the pictures. I invited him to this forum and to SCOORRS and the Highroad.
Welcome Curtis!
Curtis is putting all the pictures he took on a disc along with some video's and I'll put some on here when I get the disc. Thanks Curtis once again.

I'll be working on onehanded shooting as soon as I can get the hammer springs lightened some. band a little more work on the trigger pull.

RK is still lubing over the ball to prevent chaain fires.
As to his Lube He'll have to post his recioe..alng with the disclaimer that he uses a pich of this and a skosh of that....LOL
Good Pic Old Dragoon...I'd a had ta wear my Old Belgium wool Capote out there. We'll take some Pics alright...and Wayne you'll have ta bring some Colts out here ta rfem Country. That opne ivite still stand ya know. And if ya wanna camp on the Desert floor and smoke and joke around the fire...I suggest summer...been purdy cool here for campin...and ya know the house is always open to ya. Or we can stay in a horse stall with Old Dragoons Horses...HeHe!
I'd camp out in the desert but I hate snakes.:mad: Don't be surprised if someday you wake up with some old hillbilly sleepin in an old Buick out in front of the house with a Colt pistol hangin from the rear view mirror.:D
You are more than welcome to come shoot with us some Sat. or Sunday(the onliest day i have off). We'll let SG take care of the snakes. I been here 5 years and only have seen one Rattler in the wild and he was a youngun crossing the road down by L.A. I have seen Gopher snakes and Black snakes but Those keep the rodents down so i lets them be.

I'd be careful hanging an old colt from the rear view mirror here in the Peoples Republik of CA. They'll throw you in jail, or the G(ang)B(ang)'er's will rip you off. I gots a fold out couch you can use.

I even have an old camper we can throw in the back of my truck so's we don't have to worry about coseying up with them wigglers.
Wayne I'll be lookin for ya...ya know where I live. Or foller yur nose to the smell of BP fowling, and Bore Butter. He He!

Great Pic there Old Dragoon... Reminds me of a song I'd need to change the leericks to..."Smoooke on the Deeesert! The fire's in the barrel! LoL! I'd blow that one up and frame it.