CAS: Costumes? No, really...costumes? Names?! Do I have to?


New member
Two questions WRT to SASS and CAS:

One, do I really have to play dressup? Just how serious do y'all take that, anyways? Is it an entire camp of people livin' the lifestyle ala a civil war reenactor band or the people gathered 'roudn the campfire at an SCA event, or is mostly ignored by all but a few?

I know it seems ridiculous and snotty of someone to ask that, and to seriously have his consideration of the entire game revolve around it, but I've spent a lifetime of mocking people who show up at scifi conventions as Vulcans, shout "huzzah" at renfairs, and dress up at night to play roleplaying games in basements with their friends as the lunatic fringe of hobbies I rather enjoy (actually, I refuse to goto renfairs because I won't even be associated with the folks who can't draw the line twixt fantasy and reality; oh, and coz they're ridiculous).

Yes, yes, I really can be that shallow. Its one thing to wear jeans and a work shirt, its quite another to don cowboy boots and a hat. And to actually talk the talk? Yow! Too far gone for me.

Heck, let's make it one question. We'll see if we get to another one, or if I get encouraged to stay home and let the cowboys have their fun.

Its weird, its a fine line with me. I actually don't have an issue with reenactors, but when it comes to the LARP kids I just get angry, with the renfair types close behind. Maybe it all stems from a childhood of AD&D and RPGs and knowing that despite the mockery of my "cool" friends and family, I really wasn't as bad as that kids who dressed as their characters. :) Let it also be known I find the appeal of CAS to be in the classy firearms of yester year, single action revolvers, lever actions, and side by sides. The kindness and friendly attitudes consistently come out in reading about CAS and the fact that in my mind (I havent gone to a match, yet) the pace of CAS is gonna be slower than some of the other competive sports.

I bet I'm wrong there, though. ;)
the pace of CAS is gonna be slower than some of the other competive sports.

I bet I'm wrong there, though.

Yeah. You are wrong there. The gamers are out in full force just as in the other shooting sports.

I am like you, I would love to shoot a few matches purely for love of the firearms involved but there does seem to be pretty strict requirements on the costuming aspect of the sport, at least that's been the case at the matches Iv'e attended around Ft Worth. I was told it was pretty much mandatory, in that it was more than just a "shooting sport".

It's not the mocking aspect that keeps me from it, it's just financial. I have no desire to spend the pretty sizable amount of money needed for a simple character, just to go shoot my SAA and BP revolvers a few times a year in a match.

I have nothing "bad" to say about the organizations however, they have been very nice and welcoming to newcomers. It's just not my thing because of the character requirements.
My second question was going to be about the required firearms to take part, but my first one started to get unwieldy. I was curious to know if you truly needed two pistols for all events, or if it was only certain ones, coz I'm willing to make an investment for a single SA revolver and a lever action, but asking me for two revolvers and a rifle puts it close to a $1100 cost for guns alone, not including the rest of the hardware you need.

I knew that those folks were going to be mighty fast with their firearms, as well, but I somehow figured the very nature of the whole thing slowed it down from breakneck speed to merely ridiculously fast.

Its a shame, though, that they really take the costuming thing so seriously. Again, I understand basic respect of the whole thing, but seriously, I won't wear cowboy boots. Ever. I had a pair when I was a kid, and that's embarrassing enough.

I could've been convinced to wear a top hat, though, always wanted an excuse for one. ;)

I don't know the difference twixt IPSC and IDPA, but honestly, I just wanna show up with a SAA and cartridge belt and shoot with folks at amusing targets. -shrug-
Costume is easy!

I shoot a LOT of different CAS/SASS events. Get you a cheap straw cowboy hat <$20. I use leather lace up boots (no lug soles though). A pare of Wranglers or Levis and a long sleeve western type shirt.

You will be good to go.

As far as the firearms, you will need 2 revolvers. But if you only have one, someone will loan you a second until you get your entire rig.


The competitive spirit is alive and well at most matches. But not everyone is about speed. Many just enjoy the old firearms.

It is truly amazing to see a worldclass CAS shooter using the single actions!
Fast shooting is only half of the issue, transitions between guns uses up alot of your time (just like mag changes in IPSC etc.)


Thats about it. Go to some matches and get to know some of the shooters, they will all be more than happy to help you out. If you are competitve, ask around and find out who the top 2-3 shooters are, then watch them and talk to them after the match. They will set you up and get you started on the right foot. If you're there just to have fun making some noise, you will meet plenty of those types as well.

Good Luck,
Dressing the part is not generally optional. It also isn't especially expensive. A pair of jeans, a work shirt, and a cowboy hat is all you really need. You'll need some sort of shoes, but usually you can pass with just old dress shoes. You can put the clothes together at a thrift store for pennies on the dollar.

The real cost is in guns, leather, and ammo. A good set of cowboy leather will run you a couple hundred bucks. 2 pistols, a rifle, and a shotgun will probably be over a thousand. Plus backups when they break. Ammo? Hope you reload, especially if you shoot .45 colt or 44wcf.

The whole point of the costuming and firearms modification rules is that the founders did not want SASS to turn into Western IPSC. They also didn't want SASS to turn into a t-shirt and ball cap sport like a lot of buckskinning clubs did. They wanted it to be a sport where grown men and women got together and just had fun playing cowboy like when they were kids. That's the whole point.

Honestly if you aren't a big enough man to have fun acting like a little kid, maybe CAS isn't the sport for you.
I honestly, and truly, have (had?) no intentions of stirring up an argument, and thats not my goal here.

I also don't mind the expense of costuming, its the act itself. If you want me to be honest, alot of that stems from years involved in hobbys that were always on the cutting edge of mockery, and it was easy to point out that yeah, I might sequester myself ina basement with friends for a night and throw dice around, but in the end, and we certainly weren't the guys dressing up and more to the point, the ones who eventually snapped and decided they were paladins fighting back demons in real life and attacked folks with their swords...

I have a difficult time letting myself become involved with a shooting game that crosses that same line between having a good time, and the invention of characters and fantasy lives.

Trust me, talk to a few guys who pretend their elves and can cast magic spells on the weekends, and you'll develop the same tastes.

In the end, I guess CAS isn't for me. A shame, but that's fine. I do enjoy having a good time and letting my inner child out, but my inner child has his limits that my inner dad won't let him cross.

I'll hold out for the eventual formation of Western IPSC, eh? :D
Contrary to popular belief, two revolvers are NOT required for CAS. The shooter can opt to use one revolver and take a 25 second penalty per stage for five misses. :D
Gfen wrote :
have a difficult time letting myself become involved with a shooting game that crosses that same line between having a good time, and the invention of characters and fantasy lives.


I think you will need to look long and hard to find someone that is shooting CAS as a "Fantasy Life". We do poke fun at ourselves, but we are adults and act like adults (we are using live ammo). We also practice and measure our stage times to the 1/100th of a second. Its REAL competition and a pretty level playing field. No, you can't where a T-shirt, tennis shoes, ball caps or shorts. You can't use plastic holsters, wildly modified firearms or painted sights. Every game has its rules.

In the end, I guess CAS isn't for me. A shame, but that's fine. I do enjoy having a good time and letting my inner child out, but my inner child has his limits that my inner dad won't let him cross.

Your loss.

Lighten up - seems you're spending too much time denigrating folks who enjoy a little escapism, a rather healthy was to relieve stress. ("Trust me, talk to a few guys who pretend their elves and can cast magic spells on the weekends, and you'll develop the same tastes.") If you can't enjoy the SASS setting, don't go. Find something else to do. Maybe it'd be better to spend your time popping bottles with your sixgun at the dump range on weekends alone - you'll likely win everytime there too...

Still saving for my second Hawgleg! :p