Carton Cutters II


New member

Carton Cutters I am speaking of are like these:

Yep, just like the Mom & Pop grocery still uses and many of us grew up seeing used.
These are still in use...

Yeah, I am one of them Relics that does Practical stuff.

I have been spending some additional time with these and sharing some thoughts with a small tight niche bunch I hang with. This bunch is mostly ladies, some single, some single moms with kids, some parents with kids and some grandparents tossed in.

Just regular folks if you will.

We do what I have referred to as Impromtu Training . Pretty much Thinking out the Box type stuff dealing with everyday life happenings.

We got some old seat belts and using a Child's Safety Seat - tested these Carton Cutters.

Here is the deal, some of these Child Seats are downright complicated for the parent(s) to undo. In the event of an emergency and J.Q Public arrives to a vehicle involved in something, be it accident, car on fire - getting a baby/ child with seat out in a hurry is NOT the time to be playing engineer to figure out how to undo this seat, with a screaming, scared baby/ child in it.

Carton Cutters - Cut. Cutting is the main reason for a knife.

Cut the belt down low to release seat belts. Carton cutter "zips" right through, grab seat with kid and - go!

Carton cutters are easy to use left or right handed. Fast opening, easy to close.
Which comes in handy for having "another tool in the toolbox".
Male or Female shirts, jeans - and these cutters are light, flat and easy to produce in a hurry.
Ladies clothes often make carrying some "tools" difficult. Ladies in our bunch found these cutters easy and comfortable to carry in a variety of outfits.

We used a (pitiful looking) Carton Cutter "trainer" made of cardboard.
Retentions drills and using the Carton Cutter.
Just think about this for a second. Think about cutting a forehead and blood running into assailant's eyes.

The idea is to stop an immediate threat, it is not the tool itself , it is the user and mindset of a tool that makes a tool work.

Keeping one in a vehicle - just in case one needs to cut themselves out of a seatbelt, or as shared earlier, someone else one runs across needing assistance.

My idea of a "knife" is to "cut". Not everything made for cutting - cuts.
Carton Cutters - cut.
Just another tool in the toolbox, not an expensive one, one that has many possibilities.

