Carrying while bikepacking


New member
I'm preparing for a long bicycle trip where I will be carrying all of my gear on my bicycle. I'll be passing through a couple of urban areas so I will want to have a firearms accessible.

Cycling clothing, especially in summer heat, is pretty minimalist so I don't see how I can carry on-body.

However my bike setup does have a decent sized back directly in front of me that is easy to open one-handed. I'm considering stashing a 9mm in that bag. Possibly mounting it with velcro.

I'm thinking of something like a pocket holster velcroed to one side of the bag. I'm also not sure what to do about being away from the bike, like bathroom breaks or shopping in stores.

Any thoughts?
Have you considered the elastic belly band that way you could wear it under your clothes and perhaps with the right choice of patterns that would avoid the problem of becoming separated from it or drawing attention to yourself? Or that little kangaroo pouch with the belt I think it's called a fanny pack??
I don't think the belly band would work, the chafing aspect would be likely. The fanny pack idea, otoh, is fantastic and I don't know why I never thought of it.

One issue you may have packing it on your bike is leaving it there while in a bathroom or restaurant. A lock on your pack would slow someone down but probably not stop them.

*I'd give right arm to be ambidextrous*

Says that one is out of stock, but they have some other good options if you're in a hurry.

I would highly recommend that you avoid a bicycle mounted holster pack. Any event that requires you to unholster is also an event likely to detach you from your bike. I carry a Ruger .22 Lite Rack in a 5.11 Tactical fanny pack when I cycle; I used to carry an LCR in the same pack. It's a comfortable waist pack but I don't think that it would hold anything much larger than the LCR.

I have experienced one scenario that required me to think about my cycling pistol. A stray dog came out of nowhere and I ran into the stupid thing and flew over my handle bars and into the street.
Thanks for the suggestions and thoughts.

gbclarkson, your experience has given me some food for thought. I was thinking about a fanny pack that I would strap across my front roll while on the bike and then just snapping it on my waist when I leave the bike, but I hand't thought through the scenario you just described.

I appreciate you taking the time to give me your experience.
Good on you for giving this issue some thought. As my fire arms instructor used to say "If you're going to carry - CARRY". A fire arm out of reach when you need it is --------(fill in the blank).
I would also recommend on body carry. A Ruger LCP is but is kind of made for this task. Unfortunately I haven't much luck with reliability with mine and you are going to need something reliable. A Glock 42 or a Kahr 9 are better choices.

Where to hide it? While fanny packs scream gun out of context, in the context of cycling they say it a lot more quietly. If you are wearing your cycling clothes, helmet and shoes it looks more like it fits in with the outfit instead of looking like an easy stash for your firearm. The whole point when they first came out was that cycling clothes often lacked usable pockets.
I vote for a fanny pack also. I have used this while cycling around town. I wear the pack to the off side where it doesn’t interfere with cycling, but can be pulled over and opened if needed. You should be able to find one in colors, or sew a patch on it, to have a non-gun appearance. Some include a sleeve for your pistol inside.
I have that pack and use it some when hiking. It works well for a S&W J-Frame, speed loader, wallet & keys, but not much else. As a cyclist I suspect it would come closest to working if worn on your lower back. I agree anything worn on body could be uncomfortable in summer heat, but it is amazing what we can adapt to if we try.
I've worn light backpacks while cycling before. I hated it so much I built out a bike so I wouldn't have to do that anymore. Although even then I have a very compact backpack I can break out if I am facing a long water carry.

Oh well, sometimes you have to adapt as circumstance require.
Sorry, I was referring the 5.11 Pistol Pouch you referenced. I agree a backpack would be difficult on a road bike.
No confusion. I understood what you meant. I was just saying I hated carrying anything on body while on a bike. I generally don't even keep anything in the jersey pockets.

That said, I just ordered the 5.11 pouch I've seen recommended a couple of times in this thread.

Thanks folks!
I like the Hill People chest pack. But not for biking in hot weather. I have one and use it a lot for hiking, but when I tried it on my bike it simply blocks too much wind on my chest and I got too hot.

I've carried a small pack on my back with a water bladder that is more comfortable. It won't be as easily accessible that way, but a small CamelBak or similar would probably be my choice.

A belt pack could work too. They can be worn front or back as needed. Even on the hip.

Hill People Gear makes a good one designed for firearm carry.
I’m taking a long drive for vacation in a few days and I bought a cross-body bag to wear to be comfortable and to have access to my pistol while seated. It was inexpensive, flat, and very lightweight. You wouldn’t have to remove it to use the restroom, either. Another option for you to consider, maybe.
Why not a removable fanny pack? Basically a bag that lashes to your handlebar bag they you remove when you need to take it inside. Keep toilet wipes, gun, meds, wallet, etc that you may need at any stop in there.

Great Velcro Holster

I use a Velcro holster like this one in a bag on Velcro sheet.
Why not a removable fanny pack? Basically a bag that lashes to your handlebar bag they you remove when you need to take it inside. Keep toilet wipes, gun, meds, wallet, etc that you may need at any stop in there.

Great Velcro Holster

I use a Velcro holster like this one in a bag on Velcro sheet.
Something similar was my initial plan, but after reading post #6 I changed my mind about off body carry.

I did a rider with the 5.11 fanny pack that has been recommended. While it does not work in the position it is intended (between the hips) it is relatively comfortable when pushed to about 8 o'clock for me (as a rightie).

I can't draw from that position, but it is less than a second to move the bag into a position to unholster, so I think I'll go with this setup.

Only issue is that it is a hotspot in my hip, but I can live with it.
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