Carrying under 21 while hunting


I live in colorado and am going hunting in October. I'm 20 and turn 21 a week after we hunt. and was wondering if I can carry a .357 for protection not concealed. I can't find anything online. any help would be great.
Are you hunting alone? If you were hunting with a person over 21 I'm almost certain you'd be alright, but I'm no lawyer. See if you can contact the game department in your state, I'm sure they deal with this question regularly.
Call the parks and wildlife, game warden, etc. if you have a question and seek you'll find an answer. Not on here where you'll prob get every answer but the right one.
Using as a starting point, with their Colorado pdf, I couldn't find anything restricting open carry for hunting, so long as the person in possession was over 18 and not prohibited from possessing firearms.

I looked through several statutes and didn't see anything, but it may be worth checking a few more of the statutes referenced in that pdf ...and any statutes that are referenced within those statutes. (It's a vicious, circular spider web of cross-references, but it's usually easy to make a quick judgment on whether the statute matters for what you're investigating.)

As other posters stated.... it's never a bad idea to make a few phone calls.
In Wisconsin (I checked) you can't BUY a handgun until you're 21 but you can open carry one hunting if you're 18 if it meets the minimum requirements.
Just went through this for my son. In Colorado you can own and open carry a pistol when you reach 18. You can't buy a pistol from a dealer until 21. And this just came from a deputy today talking to a atf agent, you can buy a pistol from a private individual when 18, just not a dealer. We were trying to find out if my son (18) could have our suppressor on the 308 while pig hunting in TX where we often split up ( the answer was yes he can have it as he is on the trust). Most of the laws are specific to purchasing, not owning. You are definately good to go. Don't conceal it though, can't do that until 21. Good luck hunting.
don't worry about any state besides Colorado. As mentioned, you are in the clear if you are a law-abiding citizen and a resident of CO and hunting in CO.

Keep it unconcealed like you said to be sure or further research the laws if need-be for concealing it(as I am unsure on the conceal part even though you are definitely legal if it is open-carry at the very least). is a good website too; click on the state of colorado after going to the website. have fun plus happy bday a little early.