Carrying LOTS of weapons

I once carried 5 around the house (just to see if I could do so comfortably): 1991 Compact IWB @3:30, Taurus 850 crossdraw @10, Smith 19 .357 in Coronado vest, Seecamp .32 in right front pocket, and Colt Mustang in a Bianchi inner thigh holster. Had no problems with weapons or reloads, for around 6 hours. Could easily have added another mid-size (.38 or auto) in the vest, and an ankle holster or two. Wouldn't do it as an every day thing though, or even do it out in the world. At least, not THAT many... ;)

who's gonna walk around with a shotgun in their pants?
better yet,
who CAN walk arounf with a shotgun in their pants?
ROFL, I've seen that video before, but I laugh everytime I see it.

Anyone know where I can download an .avi or .mpg version of it so I can save it on my computer. if he had WALKED up to the table and started taking those guns out, that would have been impressive. I doubt he could take half a step without half of those falling out.
I nearly cried laughing while watching that kid pull so many guns (seemingly) out his @ss...I could handle most of the first ones but when he started reaching behind i just lost it. And the shotgun was just a bit much...and don't forget the bigmac 11...I gotta watch this again.

And what's with his grandma narrating about how dangerous it is to not have a dress code. I'd never let my kid wear a yuppie uniform...By that same basis why not make all the walls in american houses off white, since statistically people may have less domestic violence staring at bland walls all day. Kids are meant to be kids. They're supposed to get in trouble, they're supposed to run around being hyper and not paying attention. You want to curb kid's behavior-teach them resonsibility and beat them a little...Spare the uniform and buy a good yardstick...or better yet if every school had a hickory shrub outside the prinicipals office and you had to go get a switch while everyone was watching...that'd fix things better and cheaper than any dad gum school uniforms.

"I just can't stand the sight of a kid going unbeaten"
The shot gun just made it go from over the top to stupid. "Gee Tommy seems to have a limp today. And why is he resting every 15 feet, and getting all out of breath like he is carring something heavy. Oh and are his pants about to fall down? Humm, oh well, fa la laaa.

Uniforms will save the day!!

That was really odd/funny

Tell you what, we should make all students ride the bus rather than drive cars because there's NO TELLING what they could be hiding in those cars! And, and, we should make them all wear short hair, because you could hide razors in your hair if you wanted. And, and, and.... sharp pencils have to go, because a kid could stab someone if they wanted to....
