Carry Question


New member
First time posting so ill give ya a little background. I have both military and police training. I am currently however just a responsible citizen with a CCW.

As many of you know Iowa recently changed its law to a shall issue which is great but with the large influx of permits issued and municipalities passing laws such as no weapons in public buildings I have become a bit more concerned about carrying a full sized .45 in an otw galco holster. I have been carrying a side arm most of my adult life high strong side its what I know and trust and its how I have trained. My question is do I forgo this training and go to something easier to conceal or ride out the adjustment period iowa makes? People have questioned what I have on my belt but no one who does not know me has come out and said hey that's a gun!!! Maybe I'm just over thinking it but some opinions would be great.

If you already keep the grip covered IWB isn't much harder. I would just get a nice inside-the-waistband holster and keep on trucking. That is if it bothers you.

If you've been carrying a certain way for years and nobody said anything, keep on. Just stay on the right side of any new laws.

In my opinion, some people like their Bulge/Printing, they wanna be recognize as a "Carrying a Weapon". Sometimes the Environment dictates little clothing and printing happens.

Personally i like blending in, i don't want anyone to know i have a weapon, even if i have to Ankle carry or wear a large enough T-Shirt to hide printing. I carry G36 or a G29, and i don't like anyone to see me coming, i like being a surprise. JMO


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I agree I don't want to be recognized as carrying. I don't mind printing as long as its not readily recognizable. I have passed it off as a cell phone holster, insulin pump, radio, ipod or whatever else comes to mind atm. No one wants to check I'd you say its a colostomy bag. My concern is with peoples new found scrutiny someone will make an issue and cause a scene and be used as an excuse to create further legislation but that's for another thread and section. The real issue is do I throw away years of training and my personal comfort/security based on others hyper awareness. High strong side is where I carried as a soldier, LEO, private security etc. Its what I know.
I have carried a Kimber Pro Carry .45 ACP in a Galco OWB Holster Stong Side for years and years. I either wear my shirt on the outside or a jacket when the weather dictates. I have worn this way in the military (except in was on a pistol belt outside the shirt) and was trained to wear that way when I worked for the Government. As a civilian CCW, it has worked all this time and not one person has ever asked if I had a gun under my shirt. I make sure my shirts are full enough at the bottom so as not to print the gun.

I have tried IWB holsters on several occasions and could never get used to them. Yet I have a friend that carries two guns at the same time IWB.

I say go for it and don't worry about it. If you change your carry pattern now, you will have to spend a lot of time to retrain yourself in getting access to your gun. I don't know your age, but for me at my age, I prefer not to spend the time retraining from something I have grown to regard as second nature.
I definatley do not like to open carry or have my concealed gun showing at all , years ago I was open carrying and it just started a big scene by some old lady gun phobia freak in line at the store , yelling at me for how stupid I was for carrying a gun and it's people like me that get people shot and I'm just showing off my macho ego , this isn't the 1800's etc etc so on and so on, now we all know how stupid that line of thinking really is\was on her part but on the other hand I don't like to make people feel uncomfortable either .

I'm by far not one of the tree hugger be in touch with other peoples feelings type but some people have not been as fortunate as I have to have grown up around firearms and they know nothing about them and it just plain scares them to death purley by ignorance and honestly I understand that , but as long as they don't try to infringe on my rights I'll go a little out of the way to make sure when I carry (pretty often) that I try to print as little as possible I think it's better that way all around I'm not a fan of open carry at all .
just my 2 cents

Go to and look on the "sample page" in the upper left hand corner of the items there, . . . you will find one of the singularly most comfortable holsters I have ever worn.

It is not a "high ride" but it makes the handle available like a high ride, . . . yet it is pulled in close to avoid printing.

I have never been made (knowingly) wearing one of these, . . . and yet if the need is there, . . . it comes out right now.

May God bless,
The first thing you need to ask yourself, is what are Iowas laws on printing vs brandishing? If Iowa is like most places, printing does not constitute a crime and is not considered brandishing, then don't worry too much if your gun creates a bulge once in a while. If Iowa has legal issues with printing and it can get you in trouble, then worry about hiding your gun better, maybe IWB strong side.

As far as people, who aren't supportive of you carrying, noticing your printing as a gun, it's probably never going to be an issue. I open carry and concealed carry, and you'd be shocked how many people have no clue I have a gun on my hip when I open carry. People are pretty oblivious to it. I've walked through the grocery store many times and never had anyone so much as do a double take or even stare or look down at it. If they barely notice a gun openly carried, what makes everyone think they notice when you're printing?
Jason, 7/31/11

Tough problem. I have never been able to adequately conceal a full sized .45 due to the grip length and printing (6-0 feet, 170 lbs.). While OWB is a bit more comfortable I use IWB behind the right hip with a compact .45 (Sig P-245, same as the present 220 compact) or SW 4516. Of course you have to assess how well your concealed weapon works for you. Good luck.

best wishes- oldandslow
As I understand the Iowa law, printing,bulging, or outright showing a holstered weapon is not an offense. Whether it might cause a ruckus and get you hassled by the local fuzz is another thing. I normally carry in a belt holster (not high ride due to a bum shoulder) with a vest or open shirt. I don't notice anyone looking questioningly at me unless they are wearing the same type dress.
In my local area and in Colorado last summer I have occasionally forgotten to put the vest on when getting out at a station/convenience store and no one has made notice of the holstered pistol. I recently started working for another gov't agency and have noticed folks looking me over since I wear my metal ID badge on the cover vest when working/traveling for work. Most of the people I work with are rural folks who've been around firearms and are respectful of personal choices. I was talking with an older gentleman last week who commented conversationally about my holstered pistol(I had removed my cover due to the heat of the day). I simply told him I'd carried a firearm for many years and felt lonely w/o it. I let him know I'd retired from another gov't entitiy and likely had aggravated some pretty unsavory people. He just chuckled and said maybe I should carry two.
I carry different ways depending on conditions, and where I am at. Being an ORG "Old Retired Guy" living in the country I open carry quite a bit running around on my 4 wheeler or UTV. I was an active Reserve Deputy Sheriff for 15 years, and a Police Chief for another couple years, so everyone around where I live is used to seeing me carrying anyway.

In the hot summer weather I switch between a 638, 64, and 625 w/3" barrel most of the time. I carry my Full Size 1911 in an inside the waist band holster once in a while. I wear Hawaiian Flowerdy Shirts, and also the Nylon short sleeve Fishing Shirts a lot. As the weather cools off I start to wear blue denim shirts like a jacket over a tee shirt. Let it cool off a little more, and I start wearing Blue Dennim jackets, Carhart vests, or Carhart canvas coats and jackets. If I might need to shed the coat or vest, I will switch to a pocket holster for the 638 carried in an inside coat or vest pocket.
Being an ORG I can get away with the casual look with my shirt tail out year round.

Some things I have discovered: Round butt revolver grips do not print as much as large square semi auto butts. Smaller revolver grips print even less than ones that go around the steel or aluminum butt of the frame. The smaller the grip, the less it prints. Shirts slide more freely over wood grips, than rubber ones. Multi Color shirts do not show printing as much as solid color shirts. If you wear Hawaiian Flowerdy Shirts, keep the colors a little on the conservative. Do not wear shirts that scream look at me. The less people look at you, the less they see.
Check List
I check my shirt to make sure it is down frequently.
I am careful going for my Billfold in my right back pocket not to show leather.
If I am wearing a longer barrel gun (3" or 4") in a belt holster, I may move my billfold to a front pocket, or shirt pocket before entering a store, so I do not show leather getting it out at the counter.

Pick your gear and cover garments carefully with CCW in mind. My brother has a Lobo holster that fastens to his belt with wrap around straps with snaps, instead of belt slots. If he needs to remove a cover garmet, he can unsnap the holster and slip it off unnoticed without a big production.

Another good cover garment is a loose fitting Sports Jersey. My brother wears them quite a bit, and his 637 with laser grips never seems to print.
Moving your wallet to a front pocket is a good idea anyway due to pickpockets.
I generally carry a baby glock iwb strong side with one spare mag. As soon as I can get myself an lcr, I'll carry it in my coat pocket this winter as my primary weapon. Even then, I'll still carry the glock.

Carry Question

First time posting so ill give ya a little background. I have both military and police training. I am currently however just a responsible citizen with a CCW.

As many of you know Iowa recently changed its law to a shall issue which is great but with the large influx of permits issued and municipalities passing laws such as no weapons in public buildings I have become a bit more concerned about carrying a full sized .45 in an otw galco holster. I have been carrying a side arm most of my adult life high strong side its what I know and trust and its how I have trained. My question is do I forgo this training and go to something easier to conceal or ride out the adjustment period iowa makes? People have questioned what I have on my belt but no one who does not know me has come out and said hey that's a gun!!! Maybe I'm just over thinking it but some opinions would be great.

If I understand your issue, it is whether to continue to carry a handgun in an outside the waistband (OWB) holster which rides high; or to go to an inside the waistband (IWB) holster that rides low for better concealment.

From a training standpoint your mechanics of your drawing the weapon would slightly change. You would have to practice getting a grip on the weapon at a different location if you changed your holster.
Another consideration is that you would need more room inside the waistband of your pants to accommodate your weapon and holster. This additional space must also be factored in to the length of your gun belt (about one to two more inches).

I would make the compromise and change to an IWB carry for more concealment. If people have noticed you carrying and asked what is on your belt, you are not carrying concealed as it is defined in some states. Moreover, one purpose of concealing that you are carrying a handgun is to give you more choices if a bad situation arises. If you have been identified by a bad guy as armed, you will likely be the first target and you have less/no time to react.

An IWB has been my method of carry for over two decades now, year round.