Carry Options?


New member
Well, I think everyone was sick and tired of my newsposts in the other Forums, so I'll ask a real question. My CHL should be here any day, and I'm trying to decide the most practical way to carry. I usually have to dress like an adult at the office (shirt usually tucked in with t-shirt underneath, no jacket) and only rarely wear untucked Polo-style shirts (although, as it gets hotter here in Austin, that may change). I currently have a Beretta 92, but that's probably too big to carry, so I've also got an HK USPc 40. I would like to find a good .45 once the CHL is here, but don't know off hand what it might be. I've seen the Dayplanner-type of carry, but would not feel comfortable not having my gun under my control at all times, and I think I'd look silly taking my Dayplanner with me to the bathroom. I hope this is enough information.
Start wearing a vest or sport coat now. When your CHL shows up and you start carrying it will be one less thing to adjust to in the office.
I'm in Austin too. I just can't conceal something like a .45 with what I wear at work so I carry either an Autauga .32 or Kel-Tec .32 in a back pocket holster. I'm sure you'll get some good compact .45 suggestions here. I usually buy at Heritage Firearms or Cost Plus 10% on Burnet LANE.