Carry options while riding a motorcycle

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New member
I have found ways to carry everything from snubbies to full size 1911's while driving, hiking, just walking around, etc.

Haven't come up with that "perfect" solution for carry on a motorcycle, specifically a "cruiser" type with forward foot pegs. The riding position makes strong side hip carry almost impossible without printing. The best I've come up with so far is a pocket piece but even that isn't really comfortable on a cruiser.

What do you think? Bellyband? Help me out here.

Miami Classic under a biker vest. Thunderwear (worst choice). I have a leather vest I bought at a biker rally in Gulfport Mississippi, the wont print no matter what it is a sort of long vest, as I am long waisted. it was hard to find But a welcome companion. I carry either a glock 29 10mm or a kimber .45 gold match

Go with a shoulder holster. If you feel a particular angle or odd combination of accessory pouches on the offside would serve you best try Sam Andrews' shoulder rigs. I have two and use them constantly when the weather is cold enough for a jacket. Very comfortable for carrying a gun of any size.

I've also heard very good things about Andy Arratoonian/Horseshoe Leather Products' shoulder rig; however, he does not have the options Sam Andrews does.

- Anthony

- Anthony
Still waiting on my current CCW ap to clear, but this topic has concerned me lately. I don't ride cruisers (but I like em) and usually wear more of a "racer" type jacket or even full leathers that already fit like a glove = no room or access. Only thing that has come to mind yet is a magnetic tank bag to carry weapon with easy access. Even at a truck stop, all I would do is yank the bag which has a carry strap on the way in to pay for gas.
You could try a Bomber-type jacket and something along the lines of a J-frame S&W in either .38 or .357, or perhaps a colt Magnum Carry. There are pocket holsters for this size gun available for those large, square front pockets of those jackets. Mitch Rosen does them, and other makers do also.

With my shield or on it...
Pocket carry works well. I wear a tour vest with large pockets and can carry in a vest or pants pocket, with a shoulder holster, crossdraw, or IWB on the hip. When the weather gets cold the vest goes over the leather jacket. Vanson even makes a jacket with a leather lined gun pocket. The tank bag, off body carry, will work also. I have carried a SS Walther PPK in a cloth holster clipped to the top of engineering boots, but it is a SLOW draw.
The J frame could probably work under my situation. Also like the weight of the new Centennial 342 in Titanium, but haven't tried it yet. Cost is big, but have considered spending more too save weight on a bike. IMO the shoulder rig wouldn't work for me. Just couldn't stand the thought of a loaded weapon pointed at a lady's lung while she draped over my back on a hard left hander.
The S&W Centennial is likely to be felt as nearly weightless in ANY of its 3 versions if a belt holster is used.
Uncle Mikes' belt pouch (available in black & denim colors) slips on your belt on the strong side or can be worn crossdraw-style, too. With extra-long tabs attached to the zipper pulls, and with the zipper pulls drawn all the way to the end of the zipper length, a single abrupt pull on the proximal one opens the zipper full length, permitting fairly quick access to the weapon. The same applies to many fanny packs, such as those made by Eagle Creek, and they don't suggest the presence of a gun.
If you're wearing a fairly heavy leather jacket, you can probably carry lots of different ways, but if, like me, you wear as little as is safe (perforated Vanson leather jacket) while riding in the Summer, you may find that the Centennial in a pocket holster is your best bet.

"Potius sero quam nunquam."
I'm not suggesting you do this, but I once knew a guy who strapped a leather scabbard to the right fork of his Harley and carried an M1 carbine in it. Of course this was long ago in a place and time where a well stocked rifle rack was standard equipment in every pickup truck. Man I miss the good 'ole days!
How bout a belt-fed M60 between the handlebars? With thumb-control trigger at the handle of course!

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited August 13, 1999).]
I recently saw, on the web, a leather vest with a built in, hidden pocket, specifically designed to carry concealed. The vest was leather, and had the pocket in the left front side, for a cross draw. The pocket has a zipper with a pull. Wish I could give you the specifics but I can't remember them.
depending on the type of cruiser a tank bag can and does work. have you thought of doing something with your seat? recovering with the addition of a velcro pouch set on the side so actual flap is non-descript. if i have the missus' on she is usually the one carrying. we're a 2 permit family. not that it would matter anyway.
there's never a cop around when you need'em
except when you're speeding

I usually carry a compact weapon (G30 with 9 rounder, Beretta Tomcat, S&W 640) in the inside left pocket of a "racer" type jacket. I find this has worked best for me, but I am riding a sport bike nowadays.

When I had a Harley, I used to prefer a shoulder holster under a vest or a "pocket" gun inside of a vest pocket.
In the good 'ol days, I used to carry a wallet holster in my jeans. That option still exists, if you get a registered AOW Wallet Holster OR get one that you cannot fire the gun from, merely for carrying purposes.

Side-Note: I have tried IWB on the Sport Bike and find that it is very hard to get any untucked shirt to "stay-down" at anything approaching a cruising speed. Perhaps a small gun in one those "tuckable" IWB holsters would be a viable option, though.
I never carried on a motorcycle, we had crash trucks for that, but i will tell ya dont try to hide that gun on that motorcycle especially if its a harley.....the last time I was "detained", for the evening by our leo's the guy dumped everything out on the street, tools, unfurled leathers, pulled so hard on the seat that the two little tabs that secured the front of the seat bent and the back were it was bolted to the fender bent, the guy went so far as to look in the gas tanks(i think he saw he saw ez rider), needless to say they are purposely careless imo and experience if your riding a harley---and inspite of that sort of thing im not anti leo, so dont start that crap....just be sure and tell the guy that your carrying....fubsy.
My take is, if I need the gun, I will be stopped as both my hands are busy on my old Beemer when I'm moving. I wear a leather jacket and trousers (yep, even in the Colorado summer) and carry a Glock 29 in a Milt Sparks Ex, figuring the bike won't mind being dropped if I have to get out of trouble that I can't ride out of and I can use both hands and shoot seriously (the only way to go). I carry a Glock 20 in the same holster when I'm camping. Shoulder holsters sound fine but I can only do one thing at a time so it's either ride the bike or get off and shoot seriously. Luckily, I haven't had to put it to the test yet. Maybe I intimidate them with the leathers. :D


[This message has been edited by OJ (edited August 16, 1999).]
How about a small frame Glock or the like in an ankle holster inside your boot?

This subjuct got me thinking... What happens if you crash (even in a car) and have to be transported to an ER... What happens when they find your gun? Leave it with you? Hold it? Steal it? Turn it in to LEO? Anyone had it happen?
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