Carry Method for Taurus .38 Spcl


New member
My father is in the process of expiring from cancer, and will be giving me his 5 shot Taurus .38 Spcl. revolver in a couple of weeks. I think it is an early model of the Model 85, two inch barrel, not titanium.

I only plan to carry it in a coat pocket now that it's cold. My question is: should I carry an empty chamber under the hammer, and what about the next chamber? In other words, what's the accepted loading for carry, not in a holster?

Bruce Woodbury
I own the 85's cousin, an 850 hammerless, stainless 2"er.

Bought it because it will operate out of a pocket.

Now that I carry everywhere and after experimented with various styles what works best for me is a Barami Hip-Grip when I want to go Mexican. When I want leather I put it into a Don Hume clip on. In either case I carry a full 5 rounds.
Sorry about your father........

Modern double-action revolvers are safe to carry with the cylinder full. They have a hammer block to prevent the firing pin from contacting the primers.
Hello Support-Six:

My condolences to you; spend as much time as there is left.

My Taurus M85 was carried in the pocket. Yes, you can safely carry a taurus revolver fully-loaded because I believe they have a transfer bar firing system and will not discharge if struck or dropped. That's a nice, versatile gun you're getting.
Nice gun

I've got a model 85. It will handle +P . I carry mine IWB, strong side, 2 or 4 o'clock. I carry it with drawstring pants and a tank top without any worries. Good choice for CCW, and a great choice for a BUG.
Thanks to those above. Dad has lost ground in just five days. I may have to take my Christmas vacation next week to be with him. Don't expect him to last till Christmas now.

After I posted this thread, it dawned on me that this little revolver has a transfer bar. Duhhhh! I'm sure I could follow the advice given and load all five chambers.

Thanks again,

Bruce Woodbury