Carry guns...

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New member
There has been a lot of discussion about Kel Tec 32s and other pocket automatics. Given this interest in my fellow members, I want to share my thinking on carrying a weapon.

There have been literally millions of pocket automatics manufactured since 1900. There is nothing new about the concept. Browning Colt, Walther, Sauer, Savage, on and on and on have built 25, 32, and 380 ACP pistols.

The one new thing is polymer construction, which makes for a smaller package.

For many years, the 38 Special cartridge was the standard for police officers in America (the 32 ACP was used in Europe). Most police officers who have had to fire a 38 Special in anger have agreed that it was a marginal stopper, at best. The 32 ACP is even more dismal in this respect.

However, the 32 ACP has been used in one role very effectively, and that is assassination. Why would it work for this but not against a determined attacker? The answer, I believe is adrenaline, awareness, and determination. When somebody is going to kick your @$$, he doesn’t feel pain like when he is unaware. He needs to be struck a decisive incapacitating blow. The assassination victim, on the other hand, is unaware that the killer is closing in on him. He is relaxed and the killer has all the time in the world to place a shot that will kill, usually into the CNS or other vital area.

It is similar to hunting, an unaware deer will drop like a stone when hit with a well-placed shot from a marginal caliber, but run like hell when he is afraid, even if shot by a 30’06 or other respectable caliber.

My analogy leads me to believe that in carrying a weapon, since I’m not a murderer, I will be dealing with someone who started it and is highly excited or p!$$ed off. This individual will need a much stronger dose of lead than a pocket automatic can deliver. Therefore, I will stick with carrying a minimum 38 Special pocket revolver, or the good ol’ Colt Gummint Model 45 ACP.

That's my ruling. :)

45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel!
Cannot disagree with your choices. A hammerless 38 Special airweight Centennial when the weather is hot; the full size .45 when you can wear an appropriate cover garment. Makes sense to me. I have used this very formula before. However, I soon find myself dabbling with lightweight commanders to cut weight on the .45. Then I find myself dabbling with a small 9mm (Kahr) to add ammo capacity over the Centennial. My Kahr was unreliable. Even my Centennial was unreliable. My Colt CCO is not yet 100% reliable. Have not bought another Centennial (yet). The key, I think, is to find a gun you like that is 100% reliable and stick with it. Period. My Springfield MILSPEC M1911 goes bang every time. I have the heavy artillery covered. Now for the light artillery. I may dabble with a Sig P239 in 9mm in the near future. If the Sig does not work out, it is back to an airweight Centennial.
I want a P32 for backup ONLY. Suppose the VTA (violence-threatening aggressor) gets the drop on you with a gun or knife and says "hands up", then proceeds, as seasoned criminals do, to search you themselves for goodies, to prevent you from producing a weapon. It won't take him very long to find your primary CCW on your right hip or wherever, because it's much bigger. While's he's thinking (and perhaps saying) "Niiiiice, a new gun", thinking he's disarmed you, this may just give you the opening you need to whip out your 32 or 22 or 380 (or perhaps my first backup, a G27, followed by the second backup 32 if necessary :) )
Dang, Futo! You carry 3 guns?!! I want you in my foxhole! :)

I like the mini-Glock 27 also. It's just a little more lumpy in my pocket than my Airweight Centennial.

45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel!
Greetings, I would recommend the sub compact
Glock 27 riding in a Galco belt slide holster. Easy to conceal, comfortable
to carry !!!

Ala Dan
Well said BigG,

To many people think these mini's are the ticket for CCW. The better then nothing remarks don't cut it with me. To many people don't want the feeling of a larger gun carried on their person. They don't like the feeling that they have 25+ ounces of gun weighing them down.
IMHO, this weight gives me the proper respect for what I am carrying. By keeping me aware of what I am carrying it increases my alertness. If I ever have to draw my gun I want the bad guy to see it. I want him to see 7 inches of Stainless steal 45ACP staring at him. Most bad guy's will fold at this sight.
In N.Y. I have seen BG's time and time again almost laugh at some one pointing something the size of a 22 or 32 at them. I have also seen them walk away after being shot buy one of these.
Within 10ft these guns are OK for emergency back-up.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
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