Carried Concealed for the First Time!


New member
I got my CCW about 2 weeks ago and all I have hand gun wise is my beloved P89. Alas, a carry gun it is not. I stuffed in my waist band in the small of my back and went into a grocery store. I had baggy cargo pants and a large un tucked baggy t shirt. Still I was very aware that I was carrying and very cautious not to make the wrong move and print. Even with clothes like that you could print a P89. At the same time I realized I was being over sensitive.

I would make a poll, but don't know how. I know I need a more realistic carry gun and have narrowed it to a few choices. Beyond that what would you guys say it the best, and comfortable carry position for a sub compact to compact service weapon? Considering the kind of work (outside)I do I am considering OWB 4 o'clock riding high, but who knows. Reason for that is I really only want to have to wear 1 shirt, and it will get soaked. Am I going to have to go though 100 combo's and $thousands to find what works? Thank all. This forum is the best.
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twobit, I would not disagree with that. It was really a let me do this and see how I feel situation. I did have a belt on so it was pretty secure from that perspective. Will I make a habit of that? No way. That's why I have hit every gun store around for the last 3 month looking for the right gun and put up the question about the holster. Can't afford to try them all.
I really like a Don Hume "JIT slide" on strong arm side. P-89 are heavy but really good guns and would be worth it all if and when the time came and you needed it. You have to leave your shirt out but oh well. This is just an extremely hot summer but I would not tell an indiv. to leave gun at home and something actually happened and then what? Also a small in the back holster esp for a full size gun like that might be what youre looking for??? Dont worry about the feel when you start packing, its very different for you and it will but gets more comfortable everyday. I wouldnt worry so much bout packing but really get use to your gun and mainly being profiecent with it but you prob already are. Alot of people I know dont know if their gun has one in chamber or on safety or......If they ever did need it, they prob couldnt even use it, HOW SAD!!!! But they can say they are packing:( Dont fall into that category...
No worries on that Farmerboy. I have had this gun 20 years just about and will trust me life with it. I do love being able to conceal it in the car. It and 4 clips makes 60 rounds! I don't like having to leave it in the car so I am looking for something I can more comfortably carry while it remains locked up in the car. Honestly probably just leave it home once I find the right one I can carry all the time that I trust as much.

I also have a Ruger P89. Just shot about 50 rounds through it today. My first semi-auto. However, as much as I love and trust it (it has never failed in any way in 1000's of rounds) it is never carried. I keep it in the console of my truck and on my night stand at night. I open carry it when on my land and in the woods.

For concealed carry, it's mostly a Kahr PM9 in a DeSantis Nemesis pocket holster; a Glock 26 in it's Nemesis; occasionally a S&W 442 in an UNcle Mike's.
Good luck on your quest. Lots of good advice on this forum.:)
I did have a belt on so it was pretty secure from that perspective.

I read Massad Ayoob's section on Mexican carry in one of his books, and did a little testing in front of the mirror. I thought it was plenty secure, but while doing a bend-and-twist test, it slipped down onto my tile floor (unloaded, as all testing should be done!). Result? A nice little nick in the finish. Taught me a good lesson, so I guess it's the good kind of nick.

Massad says explicitly that Mexican carry is only for a duress situation or unusual circumstances. I believe him now :(.
I carry a 642 in my jeans pocket without a holster. No one knows (except my wife when she almost washed my revolver).
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Carrying at the small of the back can permanently paralyze you if you slip for any reason and fall backwards.

For a carry gun, one of the best is the Walther PPS. It's small but has adjustable grips with 3 magazine options to fit any sized hand. It has perhaps the best trigger of any pistol ever and it is reasonably priced ~$600-700 retail.

Here is a review:

There are a variety of good holsters for this including the Galco Stow-n-Go $30.

Good luck and enjoy your CCW.
My carry gun is normally a Kahr PM9 ... I most often carry it in my strongside pocket in a Nemesis or Mika pocket holster ... however, I too prefer OWB when I'm belt carrying, and I love paddle holsters ... easy on and off, keeps the gun close ... I'd try Galco and/or Fobus, they are excellent. I have both for other guns I carry ... and congrats on your new plastic ...
OK Daryl, Let me beat that horse.
Get a holster!
You're obviously not new to guns, you should know better.
Now on with the show...I've found I prefer about 3:00 in a Don Hume H715 open top IWB for most carrying. I carry either a Sig P239 or Ruger SR9c most of the time. If your going to carry a beast, look at OWB's and longer shirts.
Welcome to carrying, now go do the WW stroll. :cool:
IWB holster for..

4" M15 & RSS,
5"1911, M39-2 & BHP

Recommend finding a "Dickies" store and look at the reversible dress belt,
double layer and STIFF. On third belt for carry. Have worn others out.

Same for a J-frame and alternate is a pocket carry.

The old Bianchi #3 WORK.
I don't have one, so I am just thinking out loud, but wouldn't a high-ride OWB holster leave as much or more holster and pistol against your skin as an IWB? It seems to me that you are still going to be either tail out with a lot of leather against your skin, or tail in which translates to open carry, or using an undershirt of some sort. If you go IWB, you have your underwear between your sweaty skin and the holster. Some holsters incorporate sweat guards to protect the gun.
My recommendation is to first get a good holster for the P89. When I first got my CHL, I only owned full-sized, steel frame pistols and decided I needed a "CCW gun" - so I went out and bought a Glock 26.

After much trial and error, I determined what I really needed was a good quality holster that fit my needs (in my case a Milt Sparks Versa-Max 2), not a new pistol. In fact, with the new holster, I was able to carry the full-sized pistol with greater comfort and better concealabilty than I've ever been able to carry the "CCW gun" I bought.

I can't promise you the same result; but you might find the P89 much more handy with a good holster.