Carquest double take


New member
The other day I was walking into Carquest Auto Parts and suddenly noticed a small sign at eye level on the door. It read NO FIREARMS ALLOWED. My first reaction was "HUH!" and things started getting red!
But, then I read the small print at the bottom and it read "Except Law Enforcement and persons legally licensed to carry concealed handguns."
Whew! a sigh of relief. It seems that Carquest has come up with a way to please both sides. At first glance you would think they are anti-gun. But, reading the fine print says they respect the right of legal carry.
Hmmm..... I'm not quite sure how to take this. If they support concealed carry why post the sign in the first place? Do they think people carrying illegally will turn back at the door?
Frankly I'm not sure how to take this? Just whose side are they on? The floor is open to opinions.
IMHO, let's not look a gift horse in the mouth. I rather like that sign. It recognizes the right of honest folks to carry, and to defend innocent life. That's a damn sight better than most of the businesses in our naive society. It may discourage some fools, although I wouldn't bet a nickel on that outcome. And, it probably mollifies some folks in the anti-self defense movement. I like the idea of liars such as Sarah Brady being forced to complain about such a policy - I think it puts them on the defensive to some extent. Finally, it could actually have a positive impact on the bad guys - if they take the time to read the sign (big 'if', I know), it subtly puts them on notice that they may have to watch their backs. ;)

I realize that many of us have problems with the idea that we have to specifically identify ourselves and ask permission to exercise a civil right. However, for my money, I don't want to divide businesses up into those with us and those agin' us any more than I have to. My $0.02.

Regards from AZ
Let me add that Carquest is a francise operation and I don't know if this is corporate or individual policy. I probably should have asked about the sign, but I was on the job and dealing with a breakdown. This is also not the Carquest store we normally do business with. There just wasn't time to chat.
It's not a bad sign, but I would add the following to the last sentence, "... like all the clerks in this store."
I see a sign like that as political posturing.

It's not going to stop the bad guys or others that practice civil disobedience from carrying.

Should those with malicious intent read the small print, only then would it give them pause to think, as Jeff stated. If they do not, it could simply be an encouragement for them to enter dangerous grounds thinking they would have unarmed prey. Maybe, should they survive, it would lay the ground for a civil suit? (crazier things have happened!)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
referal #2005932
I asked CiCi's Pizza to take theirs down, and they said they felt SAFER with it up. I told them I felt so much less safe, they would do without my $, and without the money of my friends and family. Don't go there-- the pizza sucks, anyway.

As for CarQuest, it's saying: "Our sign says obey the law! So you better do it!" And it says so in such a way as to be misleading. Irritating to everyone. But of course, given the lesser of two evils... we'll probably put up with it.
I'm with Jeff. I see the sign as free advertising for CCW. It places CCW holders in the same clase as LEO, for the uninitiated. If it gets just a couple of people to question what hoops are involved in getting a CCW, it's a good thing.
I think John/az2 has it -- the damned lawyers at work again. If they didn't have the sign and a customer was shot, they're sued "because you didn't post a 'no guns' sign". Idiotic, I know, but you will probably see more and more of these legal CYA signs. Everybody is scared spitless of a lawsuit.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
I guess a stick-up artist who came into that store to rob it would really be in trouble for disobeying that sign, huh?
Jeff, John/az

Guys. I'm also in the great state of AZ. How do you guys feel about this sign considering our open carry laws? I personally would turn on my heel and take my business elsewhere as I do with any business that restricts my state constitutional rights
Dago, that's what I do. Not that I'm in AZ; Colorado Springs, CO allows open carry. I get some funny looks once in a while, but on the whole, no one cares. If someone tells me that I can't carry in their store, I just say "Fine" and ask where their nearest competitor is located.

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO

I'd ask them to post another sign that "makes me feel safer" .... "No illegally copied videotapes allowed in store." If they object, say it does as much good as their sign, and besides, it's federal offense!!!

I have my CCW (insert grumbling here about this being contrary to the Constitution), but I carry openly and would probably go to a different store. If I didn't have that option I would untuck my shirt to cover my gun and hold my breath as I purchased what I needed, vowing not to come back utill the sign was removed.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
referal #2005932
I like the approach Wal-Marts in my area have taken: No signs anywhere - just ignore the issue - then they don't hack off anyone. Don't ask, don't tell.