Cargo Pocket Holster


New member
I'm looking for a holster designed for cargo pockets that will fit my XD9SC. Tried DeSantis but their Cargo Nemisis won't fit my XD. Any suggestions?
I didn't check to see if the xd9 is specifically listed, but high noon holsters makes a good pocket holster.
Thanks, Kinoons. I checked out High Noon but the one that looks like it's for a cargo pocket doesn't accomodate my XD. :( I'm thinking seriously about getting a Smart Carry.
I tried everything that creative concealment, a local place here in Florida that specializes in concealed weapon accessories, had and nothing could stop the "swing" in my cargo pocket when I walked. Just too much weight. Draw was super awkward for me at least, I went to a .380 mouse in the front pocket with a couple of spare mags in the 5th pocket on my left side. The old saying the best gun is the one that you have with you. I've heard nothing but good thing about the crossbreed holsters for a good IWB solution.
If you're going to consider something a little non-traditional like a smart carry then take a look at a safepacker. It goes on a belt, looks like a tool pouch, but has space for your pistol and a spare mag. Velcro side makes drawing easy.

Another option is a camelpak goblin. It's a fanny pack, but has the h2o bladder in it, so nothing screams gun. It takes an extra second to draw from, and while possible to draw one handed, 2 is better. I use this often for hiking, running, or just wearing around town for errands. Unfortunately the goblin is out of production so finding one can be a challenge.
You're probably right, full.tang, I can visualize my XD banging into my leg with each step if carried in a shorts cargo pocket. Right now I'm carrying in a CB Supertuck and love it. Of course it would work great with shorts, too, as long as I'm wearing a long tee shirt. I'm just thinking about those hot summer days when I want to go shirtless or wear a light tank top. I've checked out the Smart Carry and it looks like it would fill the bill.

Anybody have experience with it? Seems like it might get hot and sweaty in a place that I don't want to be hot and sweaty! :eek:
Lol. I think the whole hot and sweaty thing would be a given for the hot weather you speak of. I have "Thunderwear". Same thing. It is very comfortable to carry, takes some practice but can be a semi quick draw. Depending on the fit of your pants it can be fairly concealable. I have an XD40-4" as a main carry gun. For the hot summer days where it would be difficult to cc a full size pistol I will be carrying my P3AT. I already have the clipdraw mounted on it. It is so light and concealable that I take it with me on runs. It doesn't shift my running shorts at all. :cool:
Duh...I know hot weather makes you sweaty. What I should have asked is does the Smart Carry get especially UNCOMFORTABLE when you get hot and sweaty?, Tactical Carry Company makes holsters to work in cargo pocket pants or shorts, you cut one two inch slit under the pocket flap for the belt strap to go up through and then turn the pant leg inside out and cut a two inch slit on both sides of the middle of the cargo pocket by the seam for the leg strap to go through. I can do it it five minutes.

Install holster in pocket with belt strap and leg strap, put on pants or shorts, put handgun in holster in pocket, close the pocket flap and you are good to go.
Deep Pocket Holster

I don't know how you could avoid "swing" in a cargo pocket but... I purposfully buy shorts from Bass Pro Shops that have a very deep front pocket that handles my 3" S&W Model 60 J-Frame. I needed a custom holster from Andrews Custom Leather that works wonderfully.