Care of Black Matte Finish on an 870..


New member
Hey, first of all, im new here so hello to all. This is a great site, and im happy to be a part of it.

I just picked up an 870 express, with the black matte finish on the reciever. What kind of care does this finish need, especially for storage? Im leaving for the Marine Corps next month, so this gun will be goin into storage for at least half a year.

Thanks, Cracker
Greetings 43FLcracker, welcome aboard and thanks for your service,

A lot depends on the storage environment. Check out .300 Weatherby Mag's recent thread on his 870 rust problem. Do you have access to the materials for a MilSpec pre-stowage treatment? Overkill can't hurt in this case.
I bought an 870 last year, the express matte finish tends to be hit or miss on whether it ages well (but seems to be primarily a cosmetic problem), hopefully they've improved this since mine. My receiver is still in good shape, but the outside of the barrel seems to want to build up a slight rust film no matter what I do. I have just been using a heavier CLP-type oil, on a 3 month or so interval. But next time I am going to use Eezox or Rig grease, which is probably better if you know you are going to be storing it for a long time. It is also important to make sure it is going into a decent environment, one that is controlled and not prone to high humidity or temperature swings. Exterior closets and under beds and stuff are usually not the best choices. I have heard of some guys vacuum packing with desiccants and stuff, not sure if that would help or not, maybe some other guys can chime in.
Zippy- I am just leaving for Boot Camp, so I dont have any access to milspec materials-yet. I am going into infantry so I will most likely have acces to any gun care products the provide. And ok, I will check out his thread.

Crash- Thats interesting about the rust problem. I live in FL(obviously) where its pretty humid all the time. I keep this gun in my truck alot, so I can shoot it whenever I go out mudding. I clean it as much as possible(probably too much), but I wonder if theres some sort of finish treatment that can prevent the high humidity from rusting it
Oops… Sorry, Cracker, I misread your OP and missed the "for" in your, Leaving for the Marine Corps, and thought you were about to be discharged. Perhaps Floridians hogdogs or oneounceload have some specific recommendations for you.
I spray my 870 (and other weapons) with a light coat of TriFlow and wipe it down before I store it. Have had no rust problems since I started using it.

Good luck with the 870, and with the Corps

Welcome to the forum!

I put my money on Birchwood Casey Sheath (now called Barricade), for long term storage. It is hydroscopic (moisture displacing), penetrates and does not migrate as much as other oils. I also store my scatterguns muzzle down lightly coated bore and exterior. Remember to use a light coat of Sheath and lightly work the product in.

I have two Black 870 police models, both have responded well to this storage method.

Good Luck in the service to your country, My best to you, Bob
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