Care of blach finish?


New member
Care of black finishes?

Nearly all my firearms are stainless. I recently puchased a Ruger GP100 with a black finish. What is the best product to use on this type of finish?
Thanks in advance.

Also posted in Smithy.
Clenzoil on a lambswool pad.

A fellow at the local gun show uses it to wipe down all of his for-sale guns on display. His table commands the highest prices. He seldom, if ever, leaves the show with anything he brings.

I use it on everything in the safe. Two or three drops on a lambswool pad puts a long lasting coating on any handgun. Four or five drops will cover any long arm.

It adds a semi lusterous finish to even a matte black finish like my Kimber has. It's hard to describe it. It isn't shiny or anything, it looks, for lack of a better term, smooth. The stuff even makes the dull bluing on my Ruger 22/45 look like a really decent blue finish. On real bluing, like my older Smiths, it makes them look almost as good as Colt's Royal Blue finish-note almost. On the deep blue finish of my old Virgina Dragoon, which IS the equal of Colt's Royal Blue finsh, you could almost get lost looking into the depth of the cylinder.

(No, I don't work for them.) ;) I walked past their gimicky display a few hundered times before I bough a bottle of the stuff. Even then, I only bought it cause they were giving away a bag of lamswool pads with every bottle. Good stuff.
The best on-the-gun-to-keep-it-from-rusting stuff I've ever found is -get ready for this- S&W Friction Block.

But all my guns, stainless or blue, will be going to Robar for NP3.