Carb Cleaner?

Nanaimo Barr

New member
a friend has sugested that we get a dipping can of Carb Cleaner for cleaning the cylinders of our Rugers (Stainless Vaquaro and Blued Blackhawk), we shoot CAS and have a lot of lead/lube/powder fowling and he sugested this would work well to clean them out, comments?

I think I would try a piece of blued gun(junk part) before I bought any or used it on a use gun.I think the dip will remove the blueing.That stuff is strong
bemmerb is right. I believe it may contain caustic soda or at least it used to. If the solution is similar to brake cleaner, then it should be ok. But I would test it first as suggested.
The dipping style carb cleaner is normally too caustic. Not a good choice at all. One hint that I've found helps with lead fouling, when done shooting, preferably while gun is still warm, liberally swab everything down with BreakFree and leave the stuff sit till you are ready to clean. Seems to loosen stuff up well that way.
I have found that a liberal douching with good old fashioned GI bore cleaner, while the gun is still warm from shooting will do the same thing.

Much Thanks Guys, good thing I checked first... hate to strip the blueing off the Blackhawk...

so much bad advice out there for us newbies

Carborator Cleaner

Nanaimo Barr:
I have been using CARBORATOR CLEANER and BREAK CLEANER for 5 years. I use it on my BLUE Ruger MK-II 22 pistol.

There is a difference between the two cleaners:

CARBORATOR CLEANER works as a good "blast" cleaner. I does have an oil in it that you must dry, with a patch.

BREAK CLEANER does the same thing but, has no lubritant in it to foul. I will leave a white look on your blueing. A little oil on a clean patch will get rid of it.
The dipping carb cleaner is totally different and very caustic.This is not the spray can stuff which I use myself for cleaning firearms.
Also check it out on...

Wood finishes and plastic. I think some of that stuff will eat your Glock. Or my H&K USP.
hmm maybe I had better just stay away from all the variants, good old elbow grease and Phosphor Bronze Brushs.....

thank you all for helping me not do something stupid.
