CARA Action Alert


New member
OK hunters, time to act. I can't figure out what to do with the FAX form described below so I'll foward it to my home email and go from there. If anyone knows, let me know how to post it. The Senators below are for Alaska, go after your own!

CARA Call-In and Fax Alert!

Thanks to the unprecedented coalition of more than 5,000 organizations nationwide, including the nation's governors and mayors, national to local conservation organizations, wildlife and parks directors, sportsman's groups, civic groups, the sporting goods and outdoor recreation industries, historic preservationists, and the youth sports community, the Conservation and Reinvestment
Act (CARA) has been elevated from an issue that was once a "non-starter" to one that is at the heart of last-minute negotiations in the 106th Congress.

In fact, because of our success, detractors on both sides of the political aisle are working quickly behind the scenes on substitutions to CARA that would diminish the integrity of permanent, comprehensive conservation funding, including funding for state level wildlife conservation,recreation and education. They're trying to create an "alternative to CARA" which guts the bill by
providing annual appropriations only. It provides no guaranteed funding for any period of time. In addition, this "alternative" significantly weakens Title 3 of CARA, the wildlife conservation portion of the bill.

Your action is needed, right now! If you have never sent a fax or an e-mail in support of CARA, now is the time to do so. If you have expressed your support for CARA in the past, one more effort is needed.

What you can do (from your home phone & computer):

1. Call or e-mail Senators Murkowski and Stevens! You can reach them via the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121, or locally at (Murkowski: 907-271-3735)(Stevens: 907-271-5915).
Email addresses are: and

Make the following points:

· CARA Reflects American Values: Four out of five Americans, 5,000+ organizations, 50 governors,1,100 mayors, 315 representatives, 63+ senators, and the president support comprehensive conservation funding through CARA.

· CARA is a Program that Returns Conservation Funds to States and Local Communities: Eighty percent of the money in the bill will be provided to states for conservation and restoration projects that reflect local concern and needs. This includes $350 million for state level wildlife conservation, recreation and education aimed at preventing species from becoming endangered.

· CARA Can't Wait: Do not leave Washington this year without passing this legislation. CARA addresses the concern shared by 88 percent of the public that "we must act now or we will lose many special places, and if we wait, what is lost or destroyed cannot be replaced." We already have over 1000 species on the federal endangered species list; an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

2. Fill out the attached form and fax it to Senator Murkowski (907-276-4081 or 202-224-5301) and Senator Stevens (907-258-9305 or 202-224-2354) after you make your call. You don't need a cover
sheet, just fill out the bottom portion of the fax form and send it immediately after your call. This will give your message twice the power of just one call. Also, please send the fax form to others so they can fax their senators, too. Visual reminders help keep Members of Congress and their staffs
focused on the issue at hand.

3. Make two quick calls to the Senate Leadership (Senate Majority leader Trent Lott (202-224-6253)and Minority Leader Tom Daschle (202-224-2321). Ask them to use their leadership positions to move CARA through Congress this year.

We don't have much time. The passage of CARA may well depend on how many e-mails and faxes are received in the next 24 hours.





[This message has been edited by Gizmo99 (edited September 26, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Gizmo99 (edited September 26, 2000).]