Car travel across multiple States with Revolver


Hi everyone:
I am a resident of Arizona. I do not have a CCW permit as it is not required. I will take the course in September however.

I plan a car trip in a week that will take me from the Phoenix area to upstate New York.

I plan to travel thru the following states: New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and New York.

I have read about the nightmare that is New York, so I may leave my revolver with a friend in Ohio and pick it up on the way home.

What kind of a nightmare am I creating for myself by carrying a 38 revolver
and how might I carry in each state to keep myself out of trouble with LEO.

Where can I carry in a car concealed loaded or unloaded and what should I avoid doing.

If stopped for a traffic infraction or a flat tire do I volunteer I have a weapon in the car? Or not ?

If we end up with a financial meltdown because of the idiots in Washington, I really don't want to leave my personal protection at home.

I took the CCW course in Colorado when we lived there and the instructor said he would rather be alive in a jail cell as opposed to dead in the morgue. A sentiment I agree with.

Any help, suggestions and personal experience would be greatly experienced.

Good for you to getting your States CCW license, it may help you while your on the road

Look up this site:

They have a "Create License Map" function on the left hand side, that tells you about all the states rules that you will be traveling through.
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Be careful with Hollow Points in New Jersey and don't sleep in NY or you may be considered in violation and not protected by Federal law. Forget about going through NYC period. It doesn't look good for the New York possession. Keeping the gun in Ohio might be the best, but make sure it is placed in a safe or that could be an issue as well. NY looks like it is even worse than CA law.
Bringing an unregistered handgun into NYS while on vacation and staying in NYS is a felony. Don't do it, plain and simple.

NYS does not recognize out of state permits, and does not grant permits to non residents, so there is absolutely no legal way that you can stay in NYS with the handgun.

Pack an unloaded shotgun in the trunk of your car, leave the handgun at home, or in Ohio.
AFS said:
And if you're not legal in the end state of your journey FOPA won't help.

Leave it home is the official answer
If you actually have a friend in Ohio so you can legitimately claim that the initial leg of the trip will be AZ to Ohio, then you can invoke the FOPA. But that will NOT allow you to "carry" concealed anywhere in the vehicle. The FOPA requires that the firearm(s) be unloaded, and either in the trunk of the vehicle or, if there vehicle has not truck (station wagon or SUV), in a locked case with the ammunition in a separate container.

Since you don't have an AZ CCW, there is no reciprocity with any of the states you'll be traversing, so I agree with AFS ... you're better off leaving it at home.
My theory is don't do anything that will attract the attention of the police in the first place.
If stopped for a minor violation, do not volunteer you are armed. Police are not your friends.
Avoid states like New York.
Rifleman1776 said:
My theory is don't do anything that will attract the attention of the police in the first place.
If stopped for a minor violation, do not volunteer you are armed.
In other words, since he doesn't have a license in any state and would be illegal as soon as he leaves Arizona, you're advocating breaking the law.

I thought we didn't do that on this site.
Aguila Blanca said:
In other words, since he doesn't have a license in any state and would be illegal as soon as he leaves Arizona, .

This is the most important post. So I agree with the others who have said, leave it at home.

I know traveling can be dangerous, and I understand the want to protect oneself and family, but it can come at a price.

BTW, Illinois isn't a state to be traveling through with a concealed weapon, home permit or not. The state doesn't recognize any states permits, although there is a legal way for you to transport, just not carry. Meaning, unloaded, in a case. Ammo can be in same case, just not in weapon. And not on your person.

But you better be legal in your own state, and the gun be clear, ie; not stolen.
Ugly. No no, never take a weapon into NJ, NY or MA if you absolutely can avoid it. If you cannot avoid it, be an absolute model citizen, but even that will not help you if the have one of their gestapo "check points" up. I have inlaws in NYS, I leave my guns at home when we go there to visit, even though one of them originally came from NYS. (gift from my FIL) is an excellent source for concealed information. has information on the legality of unlicensed OC.