car scenerio...


New member
okay you pull up to a light and are back 3-4 spots in line theres cars on your right and cars on your left.

you glance over and the passenger in the car next to you is pointing a gun (toy? maybe?)

what do you do?...theres no way out with the car that I can see...

so...what do you guys think?

Sip my coffee and listen to my CD's...wait for the shots and catch the bullets in my teeth, just to show off, normally I let the bullets bounce off my chest.
Not much you can do. If you nail the gas, the car in front of you will keep you from going very fast, same with behind. I wouldn’t draw my gun, if he’s already got a bead on me. Pretty much screwed, maybe lay down so the car will give me some cover.
You're screwed! Have no fear of death and go down fighting; alternately, pop on a Shania Twain CD and get shot thinking of her works for me.

Why torment yourself with these scenarios?
Hit the seatbelt release....fall sideways into the seat on my back as I draw my gun....lay on the horn with my knee....Get ready to shoot if needed.

May end up looking foolish, but better then shot or dead
honestly if this is a real threat, you should get out of the car immediatly. even if he chose to shoot through your car instead of the window a 9mm fmj will go right through a steel car easily(home tested on different doors). get in front of your driver side wheel and either run like hell for cover, or if your carrying....well do what you think is best:)