Car ownership

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Maybe some LEO's can help me out, or anyone who knows for a fact..

Well the wifey and I arn't doing so well..I've told her if she misses two car payments, I'll repo the car.

Legaly, am I able to do so? I am the co-signer on the car (hence why I want the car if I'm paying on it) so she can't call the police and report the car stolen, being I'm co-signer on the car as well, correct?

Car is financed through the bank so no title yet, of course being theres payments..

Thanks ahead of time.

Sorry if this question dosn't really fall through into the "legal" department in this fourm being theres no mention of guns in here..

so to keep it "legal", if she has some of my guns, can I report them stolen if I know she has them?
This is not the place for this one :

If your a co sign, You just signed as a guarantee on the lone. Who 's name is the car in? If it's hers, you can't touch it! Period......

If she defaults on the payments it up to you! You make good on the payments or it hits your credit!

If it's in your and her name you have a say! Title listed as Jane and john,

both have control.

Titles listed as Jane or john ether party can deal with the properties.

Been there, seen that, got that tee shirt!!!!
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Basically the bank owns the car because you haven't paid for it yet. Doesn't really matter who's name is on the title.

If you are still legally married and she has your guns there isn't a lot you can do about it other than see a lawyer and let him handle it. This is the exact type of situation where the police are usually involved due to a domestic disturbance. Point is that until you are divorced cars, guns, houses etc. are the property of both parties and can't be reported stolen.
Make the car payments. If you think your marriage may be headed for divorce, save all receipts.

Since the firearms are not stolen, you would be filing a false police report. Second, if ya'll do commence divorce proceedings, immature and vindictive actions will only hurt you in the long run.

Domestic Relations law varies greatly from state to state, so consult a lawyer if you are seriously considering divorce. :(
Well we arn't married yet. Sorry, should have thrown that out there..

But being we used to live together, mail deliverd to same address, and we got the car together (Im co-signer) I think this considers us together by common law? And a divorce is required if I'm not mistaken..

I just don't want to pay for the car if I'm not driving it. So therefore, I ahve a spare key, and will take it. She thretend to call the police saying the car is stolen, but I explained to her that because Im on all the paperwork as well, I'm half owner, with half rights.

I'll deff. seek a lawyer though about htis matter. Thought I'd try here first tho. Thanks guys.
Since you are not married that makes it even more of a reason to see a lawyer. Common law marriage varies all over the place and I know there are many that do not recognize common law marriages. You being the co-signer only make you liable for the payments with very little of the rights so don't go trying to take it from her or it will probably be treated as stolen.

See a lawyer.
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