Car Jacking; What do you do?


New member
OK let's play a situation based on something that really happened to me.

You are armed with a S&W .38 Special Airweight in a backpocket holster loaded with +P Glasiers and a brand new CCW permit less than two weeks old.

You are coming out of a store. It is after dark but the parking lot is well lit and while not busy, is not deserted either. As you approach your vehicle a young man comes out suddenly from between the cars. He approaches and asks for a ride. He says he has missed his ride home. He does not look too rough or crazy but you get that feeling all may not be right.

1. Tell him "No way. I am in a hurry!" and walk to your car.
2. Tell him "Sure, come on. My car is over here."
3. Go back into the store until he goes away.

In my case I chose #1.

The young man closes the distance between you and insists on a ride. You try and place the car between him and you and explain you don't have time. At this point the young man rapidly produces a medium sized, silver revolver from his coat pocket and points it directly at you.
He says "OK MUTHER F*CKER I will just take the car! Give up your keys or else!"

1. Duck behind the car and try to draw.
2. Slowly produce the keys and throw them on the hood of the car.
3. Start running, screaming for help and hope he panics and gives up.

In my case I chose #2.

After throwing the keys on the hood you start backing up, hands by your side (near your weapon) and say. "Take the car man, It's not worth dying for." He responds by approaching the car as you back up. By the time you get to the back of your car he still has the gun on you. But as he reaches for the keys he pockets the gun! Just as you feel the immediate danger is almost over he announces he wants your wallet as well.

1. Take the opportunity to turn and run like a deer.
2. Say "Sure buddy" and draw your weapon.
3. Try to tackle him while the gun is in his pocket.

In my case I chose #2.

When he looks up and sees your weapon the guy freezes. You feel your finger tighten on the DAO trigger and at this distance you know you can wear him out before he can draw again. You give the command for him to drop the keys and put his hands on the car. Suddenly he bolts and runs leaving your keys on the ground.

1. Thank God for low carjacker I.Q.'s.
2. Call the police
3. Pickup your keys and go home.

I did all three.
Instead of giving an excuse, such as whether you have time or not, firmly state something along the lines of "Sorry, I can't help you."

Excuses beg argument from some folks. Definitive statements do not.
play along, and first opportunity I get to draw, fire, center of mass a few times, then yell at the a-hole to stop and desist, then call the cops and tell my side (the only side) of the story...

one less moron in the gene pool... a little "chlorination" if you will...
I think you handled it very well. Remember however, that once he turned to leave, including if he jumped in your car and drove off, your life is no longer in threat and therefore you can't legally (in most jurisdictions) shoot him. You might be able to get by with the 'stopping the commission of a felony' but it's not worth it to try.

I would like to think I would either head back for the store and call security or 'run off' without offering him my keys, but not having 'been there' I don't know. It's easy to be brave at home in front of the PC.
Living in the wonderful state of NJ where it's almost impossible for a law abiding citizen to obtain a carry permit, I would have had no choice but to lose my car and my wallet. In the end I would only have been able to do "option 2" (call the police)..............But wait, my cell phone was in the car!

In your case I think you did the right thing.
You Won, that's all that counts...

I'm with Erick's first post. Just say. "I can't help you, buddy!" And keep walking.

Other than that, you did good.

Shoot like they vote in Chicago, early and often

I think you handled things perfectly, another good one is to "accidentally" drop the keys under the car so he has to really reach for them, it buys you a bit more time to draw your weapon.

Couldn't that move aggravate said goblin. He might just shoot you then take the time to crawl under the car and get the keys.

Since the guy already had the drop on you, games like that could just plain get you killed, yes?