Car Jacking Attempt

This violent carjacking attempt occurred before dawn yesterday, in one of the best parts of St. Louis County, MO. I have long been familiar with the locale.

I do not like bring out in the car in the hours after the bard closed. The victim here was obliged to be in that situation routinely because of his job.

Some thugs blocked the path of a driver delivering newspapers. They jumped from their car and ran back with guns drawn, covered him from both sides, and demanded that he exit his vehicle.

Instead, he hit the gas and drove around them. The thugs fired several shots at the departing car, and one of them wounded the victim.

I almost always have a pistol with me when driving--two, often, because of the increase in the frequency of car-jackings.

I don't think that it would have been reasonable or prudent to attempt armed resistance in this case. The vicim had two realistic alternatives--comply, or drive off. At that hour, I think that I, too, would have done the latter.
I am prepared as I can be in case of a carjacking, I think. I agree with the victim's action, put the peddle to the metal.
2000 lb bullet

Your vehicle can be a 1 ton bullet, a form of deadly force. Apply with appropriate parameters as a situation might demand.
Drive or shoot, you can't do both well at the same time. I think I'd drive.

Interesting you mention closing time; for a bit when I lived in CO a few years ago there was talk of getting rid of closing time all together, with the intent to have a slow trickle of drunks leaving the bars instead of a mass crowd at 0200, not sure if they ever went with it or not but it was an interesting idea.
Cat jackings are rampant here (MPLS MN), always carry your gun. But the #1 choice is drive off if you can. Far less legal fallout. MN does not back gun owners well, they expect you to give them your car. Hence the huge carjacking problem. But if guns are used, you can invoke the I feared for my life clause. But that is still likely to be expensive and legally painful. Drive off is #1.
I wonder if pgdion hasn't given forum members a skewed view of the Twin Cities Community Car Club in Minneapolis and St. Paul Minnesota.

It's essentially, 'Need a Car? TAKE A CAR! Got Glock? You're Good To Go!!!'

It might be analogous to the bicycle sharing program started years ago.

The city councils of both cities are well aware of the problems caused by internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles and toward that end have forbidden new businesses from having drive-thru lanes, ban the construction of new gas stations, eliminated the requirement that new businesses provide parking, and enhanced bike and bus lanes on some major streets eliminating on street parking on those streets.

In the face of growing concerns about climate change who can argue that the elimination of personal automobiles would NOT be a good thing? Perhaps an organized 'nationalization' of ALL cars is in the future? That would easily and effectively help the environment, totally eliminate the problem of car theft and reduce the need for law enforcement since there would be that much less crime.

/heavy sarcasm off
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saw a cool short video the other day where there was a guy on a one lane overpass and a car stopped in front of him and four guys got out and ran towards his car. he simply sped up and pushed the car quite a distance until he was able to merge and get away from them.
Shooting from a car is a dicey proposition at best. The car itself is likely your best weapon if you can use it to escape and yeah, you could get shot in the process. Just be willing to be highly aggressive about it.

Sad that criminals are given such license to rob someone.

The Community Car Club in Minneapolis is strong.

617 carjackings in 2021 in the city of Minneapolis.

Here's a link to a 10 minute video produced by Alpha News that provides a lot of information about the problem here in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota).

Quite a bit of the carjacking seems to be feral youth doing it for the thrill knowing there are little or no consequences for juveniles here in the Twin Cities.

One LEO says it's about 80-100 people, well known to law enforcement, that are the core of the problem.
Another one, this time in New Orleans averted by the woman displaying a firearm:

Taylor said she was headed to pick up her husband on Friday.
She was stuck in gridlock traffic, she said a group in a truck motioned to her to get over.
So, she let them. Next thing she knows a man comes up to her passenger door.

"So, as he comes up he's close and he's pretty aggressive trying to get the car door open makes eye contact with me he's still trying to get it open a couple times," Taylor said.

Taylor said she picked up her gun.
Wow! I thought only the bad guys were allowed to have guns in Blue states (JK). I am glad that many more people have decided to arm themselves with the way things are going. The general lawlessness and utter disregard for authority is disgusting.

Regarding the car jacking attempt, not much you can do when approached from both sides. I'm glad the victim survived the attack. It would have been worse if they boxed him in from the front as well. Bumping someone and then car jacking them is also on the rise now. Hopefully it is just car jacking and not kidnapping, rape, or worse.
Here is a recent incident in Mpls last night -

Attempted Carjacking Blaisdell Ave S & W 29th St, Minneapolis, MN 55408
Via Citizen App -
2/25/2022 3:32pm Police on scene advise that a person fired one gunshot at a suspect that was in his stolen vehicle.
It is unclear whether the suspect was shot as he fled the scene.

Is this the only way to not be carjacked. I'm very interested in more details as to the victims status and legal predicament.
Can't seem to find follow up.
Car jackings? Here in Cleveland, Ohio two per day and often those who comply end up being shot anyway. Just had a 19 year old female shoot and kill an off duty Cleveland police officer. She began her criminal history at 14 and was on probation for armed robbery. Has she been in jail where she belonged that police officer would be alive today.

Most are young teens and they know the police in most cases won't pursue them.

In the thread starter? I would flee and hope to live another day.

Here is a recent incident in Mpls last night -

Attempted Carjacking Blaisdell Ave S & W 29th St, Minneapolis, MN 55408
Via Citizen App -
2/25/2022 3:32pm Police on scene advise that a person fired one gunshot at a suspect that was in his stolen vehicle.
It is unclear whether the suspect was shot as he fled the scene.

Is this the only way to not be carjacked. I'm very interested in more details as to the victims status and legal predicament.
Can't seem to find follow up.
Obviously that is not a way to prevent a carjacking. It had already occurred when the victim fired.

Not lawful, either.