Car handgun Safe Kid Friendly


Im looking for some advice on an option for keeping a pistol in my car that will do 2 things. Be quickly accessable while keep kids hands off. Not really concerned with it being stolen so doesnt have to be a safe, but maybe something with biometrics that will make it quick to access but only accessable by me
You didn't say where you are/what climate, I cannot possibly see biometric working where I live in the winter. Hell no, actually, no damn way.

What you are describing that you need isn't any manner of a safe or lock-box, it would seem to be fully solved by on-person carry. Unless carry on-person isn't legal (and a car gun is) then I cannot understand why anyone thinks a dedicated car gun is a good idea.
sorry i should of gave more information. i live it KY so it does get cold sometimes. I have concealed carry but my issue is i cant cary to my work being i work on a college campus. So i find myself unarmed. Also pulling it out of a holster to put in glove box and then to put back on is not that easy when its carried iwb and you are a little on the fat side. Locked in glovebox would be an option but hard to get to in a quick manner.
Quickly accessible in my mind usually doesn't require a key. The smaller lock box options that fit under seats, etc., don't provide much space for other lock options.

Electronic boxes can be finicky even in a climate controlled environment of your house. I wouldn't choose any kind of electronic or biometric box for primarily keeping in your vehicle.

What kind of vehicle are you driving? Might make a difference in what's available.
I have a different take... both wife and I are retired soldiers and by definition safety (natzi) nutz

We raised three biological children... and we were both in a personal safety imperative job skill that required a PLAN and the proper tools

Early on we got training, the proper tools, and skills... child safety was a BIG concern...mostly because the Tools Needed to be readily accessible

Like any other item in the house hold that a Child must respect and NOT a $150 blown glass Bauble (dragon), flower pot, or hot stove.... children are pretty easy to train to NOT touch....ever

Now in their 30s .... each has a distinct respect for the need for and proper use of fire arms...despite one being ultra liberal.... she still has a pistol for family protection....

Like I said....raised three kids.... never had to put covers on electrical outlets, lock cupboards, or hide trinkets or weapons

proactive teaching from age 6 months and up

Teen age kids exploring.. and being contrary...a separate problem...we did have to lock away all the dangerous stuff... Teen agers are a brain dead group you must be very proactive with...they are convinced they know more than you do...give me a 8~10 year old any day vs a 14~18 year old

We always kept/keep a loaded firearm in each vehicle.... on a longer trip I will unload and hand pistol to son or daughter and have them disassemble and reassemble the weapon.... kind of a timed drill

Bottom line it is entirely possible to raise kids to respect and have fun with fire arms and also be very adept at using them, why and where

I am always pissed at family or friends who bring their urchins to our house and we have to run around and say No No No every 5 minuets..... poor parenting IMO

Yes Virginia...wife and I do lock away all guns and ammo when these poor parents bring their not well trained children over
kudos to you for training your kids early on about gun safety. My kids do know what is right and wrong, but at the end of the day they are kids and if an accident occurred because i was negligent either by my kids or someone else's i could never forgive myself. I would honestly prefer my gun box not work than have a child access it and make a mistake. I find it hard to believe they cant make a small lock box with biometrics that wont work in average cold and hot conditions. Heck our cell phones have them and work great. Well at-least my samsungs have. I may just by a small finger combo kind and stick in my glove box, better than nothing.
My car gun solution iz CZ 75. Keep the chamber empty. By the time someone is old enough to have the hand strength to put a round in the chamber, they are plenty old enough to have been taught firearm safety, many adult women can't work the slide on a CZ 75 with a full magazine.
i have thought about that as well leaving chamber empty. I have a sccy cxp2 that is reliable, cheap and kind of hard to rack the slide. Have considered doing that as well and keep in center console.