Car Gun: Decibel Level


New member
Ok, got a friend who drives about an hour east of Atlanta for work. His trip takes him along some lightly traveled roads and he wants to carry a gun in his car. Yes, he’ll leave the gun in his car while at work and I mentioned the potential problems, so let’s not get into all that.

So, he wants to get a .22lr pistol because he believes it will provide less risk to his hearing if he fires the gun inside the vehicle. Is this true?

Just a little brief research seems to indicate that a .22lr would be in the dangerous levels. Would a .380 or 9mm be that much more hazardous?

Also, does anyone have experience with the Quiet-22 rounds from CCI? I assume they are lower powered and may need to be used in a revolver, but I suppose they might meet his needs.
This is a bit like saying that you're looking for a seatbelt that won't rumple your suit if you're in a head on collision.

If you actually need to fire a weapon inside your car, you're very lucky if your hearing is the only thing that was hurt.

There are some reasonable arguments for using .22 for defense, but long term hearing loss isn't one of them. It is not an effective choice, and will have to be fired more times than a noiser cartridge, and will allow the assailant to fire their very loud gun more times, too.
It is not an effective choice, and will have to be fired more times than a noiser cartridge, and will allow the assailant to fire their very loud gun more times, too.

Yes, I sort of thought the same thing. I recommended he get a .38 caliber S&W J-Frame and be done with it. However, I think he’s sort of settled on the .22lr thing and I guess if he’s comfortable with it that’s all that matters. I was just curious what expertise others might have on the subject and maybe offer him a little more advice.
no it is not true

ANY handgun fired inside a car will be really friggin' loud.

Try it some time for yourself (but put earplugs under your earmuffs).
I seem to remember a funny scene in the Sopranos where the character Silvio (If my memory is correct) discharges a gun in a car. He shoots the guy sitting next to him in the car and afterwards he bails out of the vehicle grimacing and clutching his ear in pain as he runs down the street. I remember thinking that was probably one of the times where Hollywood got it right when depicting a shooting.
I'll side with RX-79G-your friend has some misplaced priorities.

Maybe a baton would suit him better.
I carry a .38 special snubby in the car with low-pressure rounds specifically due to this consideration, and I'm sure it would be loud enough as it is. I figure that anyone far enough away NOT to be stopped by my shots is far enough away to allow me to leave. No way I would use a .40 S&W, 9mm or .357 for this duty, a .45 or a .44 special would also be good selections assuming they fit the space available.
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In all reality if someone is in a car and still can't get away from the threat, then they're in some serious doo doo. And a little hearing loss is the last thing they should be worried about.
Maybe he should invest in a taser. It can be very effective without the loud bang.
So, he wants to get a .22lr pistol because he believes it will provide less risk to his hearing if he fires the gun inside the vehicle. Is this true?

No matter what he shoots in that confined space, it will be horrendous.
Really? I read "misplaced priorities" and totally agree.
Re: CCI Quiet ammo. It's NOT by any stretch defense ammo.
Forget that silly notion.
It's suited for dispatching vermin like chipmonks & such.
I haven't a clue what might lead a person to find it necessary to fire
a gun inside ones own vehicle but whatever.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Car gun. Subsonic is better than Supersonic. If everything
goes sideways to the point that you need to fire it in the car,
then larger caliber/energy is better than smaller caliber.

Size really isn't an issue if it's going to stay in the car, but
a shorter barrel would be preferred. Less of a handle for the
bad guy to grab.

I'm guessing your friend isn't a reloader---so the choices are
limited to factory ammo.

How about a Taurus Judge? They have been around long enough that
affordable used ones are out there. Hornady Critical Defense Triple
Defense or similar from other manufacturers is sub-sonic and packs a heck of
a short range punch.
It's still not all that clear as to how and when he would need to shoot his gun inside the car.
If the threat is outside, then wouldn't he either be driving away or at worst be shooting out through the driver's side window, with the gun out there, too?
If he drives around prudently, with the car doors locked and windows up, and picked his friends well, who would he be shooting at inside the car?
Is he planning for a circumstance that doesn't really exist?
Just asking.
Originally posted by g.willikers:

It's still not all that clear as to how and when he would need to shoot his gun inside the car.
If the threat is outside, then wouldn't he either be driving away or at worst be shooting out through the driver's side window, with the gun out there, too?
If he drives around prudently, with the car doors locked and windows up, and picked his friends well, who would he be shooting at inside the car?
Is he planning for a circumstance that doesn't really exist?
Just asking.

Seems the OPs friend is not that gun savvy and has been taking advice from others without much knowledge of firearms and how they relate to SD/HD. This is a prime example of how so many folks think that all that is needed for self-protection is to buy a gun, preferably the cheapest and easiest to shoot. Whenever I hear of folks wanting to use .22 for SD because of the desire to save their hearing, I wonder for what? So they can hear the slightly wounded BG pounding the crap out of them or raping their wife?
Tell your friend the decibel level is not an issue of concern. Then tell him what may be of concern is his self-defense scenario or concept of what constitutes legal self-defense situations. Ask him why driving his car away is not part of the situation. Ask him why is the bad guy sitting next to him in his car while he is driving around. Ask him just how this imagined situation came to be, and if his role in it is innocent and random or is he putting himself there.

It won't matter what he uses inside the car, his ears are going to ring for a day or two. Do tell him not to use any Magnum caliber, though, that's probably good for a week.
My thoughts have always been, a suppressor in any pistol caliber, will be much more effective than changing to any caliber simply to reduce noise.
^^^ The OP said his friend is going to leave his gun in his car while he's at work. As bad as it is to have a gun stolen from you, it's way worse to have a silencer stolen from you.