Car carry from NC to Fla?


New member
Guys it looks like I will be making an emergency trip to Fla from NC tonight. I do not have my CCP from NC yet. What is the criteria for car carrying from NC through SC, Ga and into Fla? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I can't answer for South Carolina or Georgia, but you do not need a permit to carry in the car as long as the gun is in a zippered case or snapped holster inside a closed compartment. You do need a permit to carry concealed and it is a felony to do so without a permit. Open carry just passed, but you still need a valid concealed carry permit to carry openly. I am not sure if the law has been implemented yet so I would not carry openly. Under the old law (possibly present law), open carry was considered a misdemeanor. Good luck and I hope everything is okay with your emergency trip.
but you do not need a permit to carry in the car as long as the gun is in a zippered case or snapped holster inside a closed compartment. You do need a permit to carry concealed and it is a felony to do so without a permit.
Not quite accurate.

In florida, the holster , soft case or hard case is required if under the seat or between seats. But if in a console or clove compartment it doesn't need any additional cases. The console or glove box are now "the case"... It does NOT need to be locked up, It does NOT need to be empty.

It can be in any state of readiness you wish. It can have one in the chamber and not on safety if you so desire.

It MUST NOT be visible to passers by. This provision is to reduce risk of scaring people.


S.C. car carry with out permit:

S.C. is simple... must be either in the glove box or enclosed in a center console.... can be loaded and does not need to be locked. Only other place you can have the gun is in the trunk.
In most cases gun laws are written for interpretation to be left up to the discretion of the officer, carrying a gun in the woods on a sunday is different than carrying in town during business hours.

A long haired tatoo'd scraggly looking character carrying in town at 3:00 am MAY get more closely scrutanized than a gentleman in a suit during the daytime.

A three step process before you can fire a round is pretty safe proceedure as far as the law is concerned. Open something, grab the gun, put a round in it.

Just being able to grab and shoot MAY make some law officials a little nervous.
In NC the weapon must be displayed openly on the dash or front seat and can be loaded. No holster necessary. If no concealed permit, this is the way.
So in North Carolina when you get out if the car are you required to leave it in the open where someone can steel it?

17) “Securely encased” means in a glove compartment, whether or not locked; snapped in a holster; in a gun case, whether or not locked; in a zippered gun case; or in a closed box or container which requires a lid or cover to be opened for access.

You are right hogdogs. I must have misread the statute due to the placement of the semi-colons. There is some ambiguity as to how and where the holstered or zippered gun may be carried in the vehicle. What is to keep someone without a concealed weapons permit from having the gun in a snapped holster right next to their seat? I think the glove box or center console is the safer bet since most cops will have you on the pavement if they see your gun before you get a chance to tell them about it.
What is to keep someone without a concealed weapons permit from having the gun in a snapped holster right next to their seat?
Nothing at all. The only restrictions on where in the vehicle is it cannot be in plain sight. And under no circumstances may the gun be "on your person" unless you are a CCWP holder.

Pretty cool huh?