CAR-15 Info, ?


New member
I want to build CAR-15. I have a Olympic Arms, lower receiver.( Post Ban ) But I was told I could NOT use a 30rd Mag, only 20rd Mag? Dose anyone Know, for sure. Jeff
Geez, where do people get this stuff, and why do they feel the need to pass it on when asked.
A postban rifle is just fine with any preban magazine. The assault weapon ban, limited the number of "evil features" a rifle could have.


Anyone worth shooting, is worth shooting twice...
Dorcas is right about the mag. You can't attach a flash suppressor, telescopic stock, or bayonet lug on a post ban AR. Building a CAR look alike is going to be tough.
While you can't build a CAR, you can certainly build a working replica.

There is some manufacturer who makes fake flash suppressors. It's pinned to the barrel (or maybe welded) but the milled slots for the flash aren't milled all the way through. Thus, you have the appearance but not the function. So long as it's not screwed on the barrel (threaded barrels are a no-no), it's perfectly legal.

Concerning the stock, you can get a pinned stock from GunSmoke Enterprises. It looks like a collaspable stock, but is pinned such that it won't collaspe and the positioning holes are permanently filled such that even if the pin is drilled out, there's no way it can function except closed. Phony like the muzzle faux-muzzle brake, but it's a CAR-15 lookalike which shoots.

Hope this helpless information helps.
Expanding on what Destructo said: A rifle can have a detachable magazine and only 1 of 5 "evil features" The five restricted features are: 1) A conspicuously protruding pistol grip, 2) A grenade (flare) launcher, 3) A bayonet lug, 4) A flash hider, and 5) A collapsible or folding stock.

So an AR15 generally has a protruding pistol grip as it's 1 evil feature. An M1A not having a protruding pistol grip generally has a flash hider.

And as 4V50 Gary said, you can't build a true CAR 15 with all the evil features, but you have some options. There are a few options other then a flash hider. A faux hider as he suggests or a muzzle brake like my rifle has
. Keep in mind though that a regular crowned barrel will have better accuracy then a barrel with an attatchment.


Anyone worth shooting, is worth shooting twice...
If you are Ca, you only get 1 evil feature now, the detachable mag. So dealers are now selling AR-15s and all semi-auto centerfire variants with the pistol grip cut off. Looks kinda funny, but for the time being it is legal to sell in this configuration.Puttting a new pistol grip on the AR is posisble and easy, but illegal. Funny how the lower picked up that last week of 1999 and a lower picked up just two weeks later have to be different.

The law only applys to centerfire semi-auto rifles with a detachable magazine. So rimfire and pump action or bolt action or lever action don't count.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Hey Chink,

I know it's cheating and it really wouldn't count in a court of law, but I was considering installing a Fulton Armory adjustable gas port. Shut it off and take it to the range and you've got a straight pull bolt rifle. "No officer, this is not a semi-auto."

4v50 Gary