Caplock Accuacy Update


New member
So I was chatting with another member here on what to use for a powder charge amount in some of my competitive guns. 17 grains was suggested and this evening I tried it with excellent results. Granted this is the outcome of one target but I believe that this wasn't a fluke and similar results will follow as I continue using and trying this load.

Also I was using a set of Herrett Nationals stocks for a S&W 41 but was not diggin the outcome. Love the grips on my actual 41 but they felt like a distraction to me on the caplock. It took too much of an effort to get a good feeling hold so I switched back to the original grips that came on the caplock. They are Herrett Trainers. Slab sided like a High Standard or 1911 ish. Felt good and easy to get a good hold on the gun and let the sub-conscious deal with it and not the conscious part.

The gun is a Yazel .36 caliber percussion - .350 ball, .018" patch, 17 grains of FFF Goex. 25 yard slow fire (single handed off hand) target 99-5X.

Every time one of you Yazel guys posts a photo of these pistols (and its target!), I just get to thinking of how I'm an idiot for not having bought one of my own. Man, that's a fantastic capgun you've got there. Hope you don't mind, but I'm stealing that photo to add to my screensaver roll. :)

Thanks for posting this - gave me a big smile to start the day.
The Yazel cap and flint guns are no longer made but can be bought used sometimes while at friendship during the June or September shoots. You might find some Ten Ring pistols or if you're lucky some Lewis guns too. Last I heard Yazel's pistol building business was for sale. I may have bought one of the last ones he built. That cap gun pictured above was bought new unfired in September 2013. Glad you liked the picture.
Hope so. I had a little error with my elevation control in my arm. I work in a warehouse and was tired at the end of the day but wanted to shoot. I felt like I was constantly having to push up to keep from dropping a shot. Instead I let some get away a little high.
Every time one of you Yazel guys posts a photo of these pistols (and its target!), I just get to thinking of how I'm an idiot for not having bought one of my own.

Let me be the first to caution you that expecting a Yazel or Ten Ring to turn you into a pistol champion is a little like expecting a Stradivarius Violin to turn you into a violin virtuoso.
Rookie21 did some very good shooting with a Yazel pistol, but Rookie21 deserves at least 99% of the credit for that score. The pistol merely cooperated with the shooter.