"Can't win for losing"


New member
So let me get this right...Clinton's cronies went in and sided with the Muslim Kosovars in an age old war where the losing side was finally winning a bit. "We" came down hard on the current "winners" of this ancient war and lead the Muslims back into Kosova. So...now the Muslims that we just saved turn around and immediatly start commiting atrocities against the Christians who just kicked them out. Did I get that right?
I hear reports that the "refugees" that we just saved and lead back into Kosovo are now retaliating against their "oppressors" and on the story goes....sounds like any other age old dispute that goes tit for tat. Did we really accomplish anything there or did we just aid the temporary "oppressed" who will again be tomorrows "oppressors"?

Please, tell me if I have this all wrong, I have trouble keeping up with all this stuff,
No, Thaddeus, you got the gist of it down, they're all bloodthirsty scumbags, religion is just an excuse to slit throats. That's why I favored nuclear cleansing - we rid the world of a bunch of useless, destructive people, and after the radiation subsides, the Balkans would make a pretty good game preserve/recreation area.
Only half kidding, M2
thad, in my opinion we ain't accomplished squat. they're still gonna fight each other, our men & women, are gonna be caught in the middle, and it's gonna be/is a big cluster****. all clinton managed to do was to spend billions of dollars, put our people in harms way, and if you lean that way, futher the cause of a one world police force/nwo.

what me worry?
Hey, guys, did you read the thread about "Black Hawk Down"?

Tie this in with Doggett's column in last Friday's World Net Daily (still up, as it's Sunday).

And write your Congressheeple...
Hapless victims, my a##. It just goes to show that they are the same type of people, just on opposite sides of the coin.

With all of the anti-Milosevic and anti-Serb propaganda that NATO spewed forth, I think the Albanians got the idea that NATO would help them rid Kosovo of all Serbs.

I believe that tommorow is the day that the KLA is supposed to cache all weapons at NATO supervised (controlled) locations. Let's see what kinds of weapons actually appear, if any. Anyone care to speculate on the ratios of bolt-actions to automatics?
i know if i was in the kla, i just wouldn't show up. i'd tell nato, clinton, the serbs, and who ever else,K.O.B.A.!!!!

what me worry?
The KLA, for the most part, has told NATO and the firstfelon to go pound salt.

Why did we ever get involved, except to help improve the ff's place in history. (if possible)

Remember the KLA was, before all this, considered a terrorist organization.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
NATO Tries to Reassure Serbs as Revenge Attacks Spread

By Niko Price
The Associated Press

P R I S T I N A, Yugoslavia, June 27 —NATO hoped Sunday that the arrival of new Russian peacekeepers would make Serbs feel safer in Kosovo, but reports of more revenge attacks by ethnic Albanians did little to boost their confidence.

Kosovo also received its first visit from a NATO head of state since the alliance launched its 78-day bombing campaign against Yugoslavia on March 24. Czech President Vaclav Havel paid a brief visit to the southwestern Kosovo town of Prizren and praised German peacekeepers for their work there.

NATO said at least three civilians had been killed Saturday, including a Serbian woman whose mother said she was raped and killed by ethnic Albanian rebels as their village was being looted and burned.
thad: Yep, right on the money. Like I said the day the first bomb was dropped. We (the American people) already lost.

Any bets another *tragedy* here at home is in the works.
