Can't we help pro-gun folk like this?


New member
The headline is:
gun control advocate changed her mind and launched a pro-gun group

This is a GOOD thing. Details are here:

In July, Fanaeian, a 20-year-old business student at the University of Utah, reopened the Salt Lake Chapter of the Pink Pistols, a pro-gun, pro-LGBTQ group “dedicated to the legal, safe and responsible use of firearms for self-defense of the sexual-minority community.”

Again, this is a GOOD thing but then we get to the newspaper's breathless description of someone actually firing a gun!!!

Ermiya Fanaeian looks down the barrel of her AR-15, sighting the pink paper target hanging about a dozen yards in front of her. She fires off five rounds, exhaling each time before she pulls the trigger and the bone-rattling crack of the gunshot rips through the indoor shooting range.

The emphasis on the 'dozen yards' is mine.

There's a picture of the woman and her rifle and the target and she's got about a 10 inch group going there and perhaps a big part of the reason is SHE HAS NO SIGHTS ON HER RIFLE.

A couple different folk pointed this out in the comments to the article but my goodness, where are we, the pro-gun HELPFUL folk?

Do we need some kind of program to introduce new shooters to the sport?

Something even more rudimentary and basic than a basic firearms familiarization class?

Something on the order of here's eye and ear protection and here's a gun. Point it down range, keep your hands away from in front of the muzzle, look through the sights at the target and pull/squeeze/press (don't get me started) the trigger. The gun will go bang, it will recoil and you might just have a hole in the target. Now go take a beginners class.

Seriously, here's a person definitely on "our" side and in the nicest way possible we need to help her.

Here's the link to the article:
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You're right. We can't even help ourselves sometimes.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend and anybody that's pro-gun is a friend.

Sometimes we are to busy being elitist, sexist, and condescending to not only help each other out, but encourage others to join our ranks.

You like guns? I like guns! Conservative, liberal, black, white, pink, green, I don't care. Let's work together to encourage more people to enjoy shooting, embrace a self defense mindset, and stop those who want to take them away from us.

Everything else is counter productive and destructive.
DaleA said:
Do we need some kind of program to introduce new shooters to the sport?
The NSSF has programs to introduce new shooters to the sport.

The NRA has (or had) programs to introduce new shooters to the sport.

The bottom line, though, is that IMHO WE are the program to introduce new shooters to the sport, and to provide a bit of mentoring. One of our forum members here, Aarondgraham, seems to do a lot of that (and I'm sure others do, as well, but Aarond posts about it from time to time).

What's needed is for someone near her location to reach out and offer to give her some basic coaching. (And to explain about sights, and shame on whoever put that rifle in her hands without them.)
What's needed is for someone near her location to reach out and offer to give her some basic coaching. (And to explain about sights, and shame on whoever put that rifle in her hands without them.)

THIS. Who is in/near Salt Lake City?
There are a lot of new minority gun owners this year as well. Apparently, African-Americans are leading the surge in new gun ownership this year. This is a major opportunity to expand gun rights. The NRA and GOA need to reach out to these groups, although I am not particularly hopeful.

The less gun rights is seen as a 'conservative' issue, the better off gun rights will be.
The less gun rights is seen as a 'conservative' issue, the better off gun rights will be.
This can not be overstated.

The 2nd amendment applies to everyone. It is not just for those who share the same political views as we do. Separating the political and social issues from the 2nd amendment fight puts a lot more people on our side.

The conservative vs liberal mindset that this country has, is only helping the gun control crowd, not us.
Seems as if she has trouble separating LGBTQ from straight/conservative issues and the issues related to 2nd Amendment or any Constitutional issues. She says she didn't know it was possible to get LGBTQ people guns. Instead of reaching across perceived lines of bias, she has embarked on her own adventure of learning and getting people involved. This is the typical path of activism. She would be far better off looking for other more experienced people to help her learn about firearms. People teaching firearms classes are not teaching straight people at the exclusion of LGBTQ people, just like we don't teach white people and exclude people from minority groups or social groups other than the one we belong to. This is bias on her part. But she may learn sooner or later.
This can not be overstated.

The 2nd amendment applies to everyone. It is not just for those who share the same political views as we do. Separating the political and social issues from the 2nd amendment fight puts a lot more people on our side.

The conservative vs liberal mindset that this country has, is only helping the gun control crowd, not us.

Unfortunately, there will always be a political bias, even in the gun crowd. I'm a member of another gun forum, which I will not name, that is very much biased against Conservatives. 90% of the topics they discuss are either attacks against people on the Right or open support of politicians who are anti-2a. It got to the point where I stopped posting on the forum because the negativity was so overwhelming that I didn't see the point in participating anymore. I'm fine with people having opposing opinions, but I draw the line when the vitriol gets really bad. This goes for both sides.
I'm fine with people having opposing opinions, but I draw the line when the vitriol gets really bad. This goes for both sides.
I hear you, and it does. I have many hobbies and frequent many forums, some heavily populated with the very liberal and some with the very conservative. I see extremists from both sides. Some of these these folks are genuine technical experts and otherwise very interesting, but can't keep from spewing hate from one direction or the other.

There are times when we(the people) need to put aside our differences and fight together against those who would like very much for us to fight amongst ourselves.

She says she didn't know it was possible to get LGBTQ people guns. Instead of reaching across perceived lines of bias, she has embarked on her own adventure of learning and getting people involved. This is the typical path of activism. She would be far better off looking for other more experienced people to help her learn about firearms. People teaching firearms classes are not teaching straight people at the exclusion of LGBTQ people, just like we don't teach white people and exclude people from minority groups or social groups other than the one we belong to. This is bias on her part.

Trust does not come easy. This is likely an alien world to her and the others. She's likely afraid afraid of how she will be accepted (or not accepted). She's working with people she feels comfortable around.
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