Cant wait for this new ammo !

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Whether you are a conservative or a liberal, you would have to agree that our constitutional rights are exactly that. They are the Peoples, not the government's or special lobbyist groups. Below is another effort to criminalize owning a gun honestly. It seems to me that the people should decide what rights we are willing to give up through votes by the People, not special committees in the legislative branches in secret rooms or sessions, state or federal. The government already tracks the guns through serial numbers and the ballistic values that the guns provide. This law only effects the honest gun owners and not the criminals. We should be ashamed of ourselves for allowing the government to move this far. The criminals will not comply with this, but the honest gun owner will be forced to.

The government should be put into check by the people and reminded that they work for us. Employees should act like employees and not the Gods they perceive themselves to be. Please contact your representatives and let your voice be heard.

Ammunition Accountability Act

Florida is not one of the states mentioned so far, but we all have relitaves - friends in the other 49 . The gun control liberals got a setback when the Supreme Court upheld the 2nd amendment rights in Wash. DC. Now they are trying to come thru the back door. Please forward this to all you know that want to keep their guns!!!! Maybe we can start a ground swell, or continue it at least, that will go all over the U.S. and have a positive impact on the outcome.
Remember how Obama said that he wasn't going to take your guns? Well, it seems that his minions and allies in the anti-gun world have no problem with taking your ammo! The bill that is being pushed in 18 states (including Illinois and Indiana) requires all ammunition to be encoded by the manufacture a database of all ammunition sales. So they will know how much you buy and what calibers. Nobody can sell any ammunition after June 30, 2009 unless the ammunition is coded. Any privately held un-coded ammunition must be destroyed by July 1, 2011.(Including hand loaded ammo.)
They will also charge a.05 cent tax on every round so every box of ammo you buy will go up at least $2.50 or more! If they can deprive you of ammo then they do not need to take your gun!
Whether you are a conservative or a liberal, you would have to agree that our constitutional rights are exactly that. They are the Peoples, not the government's or special lobbyist groups. Below is another effort to criminalize owning a gun honestly. It seems to me that the people should decide what rights we are willing to give up through votes by the People, not special committees in the legislative branches in secret rooms or sessions, state or federal. The government already tracks the guns through serial numbers and the ballistic values that the guns provide. This law only effects the honest gun owners and not the criminals. We should be ashamed of ourselves for allowing the government to move this far. The criminals will not comply with this, but the honest gun owner will be forced to.

The government should be put into check by the people and reminded that they work for us. Employees should act like employees and not the Gods they perceive themselves to be. Please contact your representatives and let your voice be heard.
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