Can't reach TFL or others on public computers

Red Bull

New member
I am sure it isn't surprising, but I was using free internet at a coffee shop, and I could not get into TFL, Glocktalk, Bladeforums etc. It said that I could not go to any site that had to do with "weapons, militia, or anything to do with taking over the government". It actually said that plans to revolt or whatever, or anything even remotely like heavily reforming gov't was pornographic.
I am not for any kind of violent action unless things got REALLY bad, but what is more American than revolting against government? I can't believe they would ban any site that had to do with such things. Also, I am sure they don't take time to really look at the sites they are banning, so they are probably banning sites that are NOT milita-types, but just Libertarian etc, that want to reform gov't through office.
This means that they are banning our children from basically going to any policitcal site that is not democrat or republican, because anything else is "whacko".
What a great way to raise a bunch of good robots...just don't even let them READ about anything but what "they" say is okay.
This was NOT AOL
It was a coffee shop in Ralph's grocery store and the computer said it was their company policy.

Kinda ticks me off....
weapons, militia, or anything to do with taking
over the government". It actually said that plans to revolt or whatever, or anything even remotely like heavily reforming
gov't was pornographic.

Did you try pulling up a nude girlie picture as a test?
I would have made a complaint to the managment and unless satisfaction was made instantly - would take my business elsewhere. Pronto.

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!
WebSense is one of the filtering services that has an overt anti-gun stance. They actively filter any site that is pro-gun. Its maddening since its difficult to go to your employer and complain about not being able to get to a non-work related site. Whoever the ******* is who selects these sites knows this and is taking advantage of it.

The solution is simple. You need to find a proxy service on the net which will act as an intermediary for you. You connect first to the proxy server, then type the URL you really want to go to. WebSense does not currently detect this situation. However, they do filter most of the well known proxy servers, like, so it may be impossible to connect to a well known proxy through the filter. Be that as it may, there are *lots* of free public proxies and they come and go so WebSense will have a hard time keeping up. Take a look at and scroll down to "Finding Proxy" for some links to places that can help.

John Gilmore, one of the founders of the Electronic Frontier Foundation ( ), and an Internet pioneer, was quoted as saying "The Internet treats censorship as damage and routes around it." Never so true.

[This message has been edited by pbash (edited October 13, 1999).]