Can't Post To Favorite S*&+e% Rifle

Shhhh.......Sensop. Hank's just talkin' to hisself. After you've been here as long as we have you'll start doin' the same. :)

That's right Gunslinger, you tell 'im.
That's ok Sensop. The first 600 or so of those 5000+ members here know that I'm a complete and utter fool!
Art, I would sell every rifle I have before I would let that one go. I feel better, TFL is working for now. I think that I may have over medicated myself last night. Sorry :)
Don't let him razz you too much Hank he and both talk to ourselves down in Questions, Comments & Suggestions on a regular bases. It's gettin' so Q,C& S isn't safe to post a simple "test" any more. :)

Welp, I'm outta here and on my way to the biggest gawl dang gun show in the world! :D


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
I really like the "required Rifle comment" in this test thread... good work around! ;)

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
Yeah, well ... Hankl, ah, I really like the picture of the, uh, lemme go look ... yeah, the M1A.

Jeez, if Gunny ain't happy ain't NOBODY happy! I learned a couple o' things! And I ain't gettin' on the bad side of no USGI-rine Gunnery Sgt!

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited April 01, 2000).]
sensop, My friend, you are missing the point. That is a M21. I have some M1A types that I like quite a bit but MY favorite is the M21. There is just something about this rifle and special ball ammunition that works.
I reload, keep notes, use a chronograph, do some of my own smithing, have three feet of shelf assigned and filled with reloading manuals and data. I know that oppinions are like a*hole* but I have formed mine. :)
I really like my Rem. PSS and Mk 4 combo, my Ruger M77 and Springfield Second Generation is fun as well and there are others. I have been able to squeeze too many a great shot with the M21 not to holler about it.
Nuff Said

[This message has been edited by HankL (edited April 01, 2000).]
I plead ignorance when it comes to fine battle rifles or military snipers.

This example of the M21 is a fully configured sniper ??

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited April 02, 2000).]