Can't post about the HS2000 anymore????????

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New member
What's up with that? Mal said that two post were enough on the subject and why because JT or HR(HR is right) got into a little debate. I would like to be able to talk about the new pistol I own what is/was one of the nest firearms site. But it seems that the HS2000 itself has been banned from the forum. That sucks.


PS Why did HR get kicked off? I've been here over a year and have seen worse stuff exchanged between members.
Ya'know Cyric, that HS2000 has had more threads lock. Here and at Glock Talk.

I guess the HS2000 is going to get the flap that the Glock pistols got when they came out.

But,one shouldn't call people names. I doubt that HR would have called TJ that to his face. It is easy to do behind a glass tube.BTW I kind'a like HR and some of the things he comes up with.

And it just ain't the Cowboy way. :)

(insert Marshal's Cahill's challenge here) :)
HR violated TFL policy; it's the same policy that every member agrees to abide by when they signed up for membership. Publicly calling somebody an "idiot" not only violates TFL policy, but it's downright rude. Furthermore, he decided to open threads to ridicule TFL staff, which ultimately led to his banning.

One of the major reasons TFL is set apart from many other firearm BB's is the fact we have the best member base. While our policies seem strict to some, our ultimate goal is to take the High Road. We are determined to set the standard how the public view gun owners.

Despite what many might think, this isn't a private board. There are many lurkers who read your posts. To have a member disgrace another member with names is disdainful online or in everyday life.
The battle is lost.

Well cyric, I think the battle is lost. Its been clear that TFL has certain rules to go by and rules are needed for a civilized society. I myself broke these rules over principles, but I don't want to ruin the credibility of myself or other HS 2000 owners. I don't know how I was damaging my credibility when another member started the childish bashing. But, I like the forum and the people on it, so I guess I'll have to say that this battle is over.

I apologize to the moderators for violating the policy and I will keep the politics off this forum. I apologize to any others who may have been offended. I will keep my furthur remarks to private e-mail.
When closing the larger thread, Mal specifically said that further discussion of the firearm in question was welcome, but that the thread he closed had run it's course.
HiramRanger was right and this board was wrong in my personal opinion. But I guess he fought a battle he couldn't win. Sorry to see it spilled over to other boards. Spoke with Hiram and he feels badly about this, but firmly believes he was in the right. He did find it disturbing that mods from this board clearly violated the TOS at GlockTalk with their response to him. If we are going to have a standard of conduct with thich to purport ourselves, we need to abide by it not only here but when visiting other boards.

Hiram did extend his apologies to everyone who might have been upset by the exchange, especially to Tamara. Tams, he thinks th world of you. Anyway, you can still find HR at GT or

Later all and be safe and kind to eachother!
Fair enough. I think we can all agree that we have better things to do than quibble here. This
thread has run (or overrun) its course. Additional discussion on the HS2000 is, of course,
welcome. But this one is closed.
Taken from MalH's closing post on "Da Thread"

Clearly, the discussion strayed off topic, but the subject of the topic (Hs2000) is as viable for discussion as any other.

me. I'm with Mike on this, a fracas that I'm not involved in?!? Sheesh.

Writing emails while agitated is something I avoid. If I do write one, I don't send it till I've had a chance to reflect. And then I usually change it.

I like all the information in this forum. It's a big knowledge base. Shame to eliminate 1 good source.

Sure there was a transgression, and I don't know the whole story. But why not do the apology, apology accepted thing and reinstate? That would be a class act.

The HS2000 is a fine pistol and one can talk about it all you like. Feel free. But like with any subject - Follow the 4 rules. Simple as that.
Cyric13 the others have clarified most of your question, but let me address the "two posts are enough" issue. I assume you got that from this thread:

That one clearly was started as a joke to emphasize the heated thread that was ongoing at the time. In my reply, I thought my meaning was obvious, but I suppose I could have been clearer when I closed it by saying, "Two threads open at the same time on this subject is enough." In general we discourage duplicate threads, but this was a special case.

As George said, every member is free to discuss the HS2000 or any other firearm here on TFL. The rules for doing so are very simple and easy to follow.
Uh, MR. ****munchy: Could you 'maybe' choose a more civilized handle for posting on the leading online forum for firearms enthusiasts?;)
I believe everyone has said their piece.

Seeing how this is the "Handguns: The Semiauto Forum" and this thread is only tangentially handgun-related at best, let's put it to bed, okay?
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